Title Excess Pension Contributions Report - Simplification Purpose This report generates the list of employees who have excess contributiontowards pension over either of the following:
- Total taxable pay
- Annual allowance
Features Selection Activities On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll> -> Europe> -> Great Britain> -> Sub sequent activities> -> Period-independent> ->Lists/statistics> -> Excess Pension Contributions Report -Simplification>. The Excess Pension Contributions Report - Simplification>selection screen appears. In the Tax Year> section, enter the year for which you require thedata in Tax year ending 5th April> field. Here, you must enter the year in which the financial year ends. Forexample, if you want to select the financial year 2006 - 2007, you mustenter 2007. Select enter>.The report displays Person selection period>field. This field reflects the start date and end date of the financialyear you have entered in the Tax year ending 5th April> field. Enter the employee selection criteria in the Selection> section. Execute the report On the output screen, the report displays:
- A list of employees whose total pension contribution has exceeded either
of the following: Taxable pay Annual threshold
- The employee's contribution towards pension scheme
- The employer's contribution towards pension scheme
- Total taxable pay
- Total pension contribution
- The excess amount of pension contribution over taxable pay
- The excess amount of pension contribution over Annual threshold