Title PD7A Reporting> The PD7A Reporting> utility compiles and reports all amounts to bereported on Form PD7A. The utility runs in parallel with Third PartyRemittance functionality. Provided that your personnel selection hasbeen configured identically in both Third Party Remittance and PD7AReporting, any amounts to be reported on Form PD7A will be consolidatedwith amounts to be reported via Third Party Remittance.Precondition Before you execute PD7A Reporting, we recommend that you review theappropriate section of the Implementation Guide. The IMG path used toaccess this section is shown below. Payroll Canada> -> Reporting and Statistics> ,,-> PD7A Reporting> ,,,,-> Configure wage types for PD7A Reporting > In this section of the Implementation Guide, you can access thepre-configured view cluster that enables your system to perform PD7AReporting. If you require additional wage type assignments to performaccurate PD7A Reporting, then you must configure your wage typesappropriately via the Implementation Guide. For additional information,refer to the documentation link shown above.Description PD7A Reporting is influenced by a variety of parameters. Depending uponthe needs of your enterprise, you may execute PD7A Reporting under anycombination of the following selection criteria:
- Personnel number>
- Remittance frequency>
Quadra-monthly, semi-monthly, or monthly.
- Payroll period>
Current or other.
- Business Number>
- Display all employee data>
- Cross-year results>
In the report output, retroactive changes for periods in years prior tothe current year are separated into two categories - current yearresults and cross-year results. This parameter allows you to filter theoutput of the report. You can choose to display only current yearresults, only cross-year results, or both categories of resultscombined. Of these, the sole options that require specifications areRemittance frequency> and Payroll period>.Output Once you specify the Remittance frequency> and Payroll period > (and additional parameters, if desired), then execute PD7AReporting, the system will generate a detailed overview of amounts to bereported on Form PD7A. These amounts will be tabulated, by columns,according to Business Number>, Cross-year indicator(cross-year result)>, FOR-period year (cross-year result)>,Pay date>, Payroll area>, Retroactive period>,Personnel number> (provided that you have selected the Displayall employee data> option), Gross pay>, Total remittance>,Employee tax paid>, Employee CPP/QPP contributions>,Employer CPP/QPP contributions>, Employee EI contributions>,Employer EI contributions>, Employee PPIP contributions> andEmployer PPIP contributions>. Once processing is complete, simply copy the reportable amounts ontoForm PD7A, then submit it to the appropriate tax authority.Example
- Bus. No. 123456789RP0001>
CrossYr. --Year-- Pay date 15.02.2002> --Area-- KS> RetroPer 200203>
- Bus. No.
CrossYr. --Year-- Pay date --Area-- RetroPer 200202>
- Bus. No.
CrossYr. --Year-- Pay date --Area-- RetroPer 200201>
- Bus. No. 123456789RP0001>
CrossYr. --Year-- Pay date **********> --Area-- **> RetroPer ******>
- Bus. No. 123456789RP0001>
CrossYr. X> --Year-- 2001> Pay date 15.02.2002> --Area-- KS> RetroPer 200124> (<- Cross-year)
- Bus. No. 123456789RP0001>
CrossYr. X> --Year-- 2001> Pay date **********> --Area-- **> RetroPer ******> (<- Cross-year) In this example, a retrocalculation is initiated in period 03.2002 toprocess changes in period 24.2001. The changes for period 24.2001 areseparated from current year results and shown as a 'cross-year' resultFOR year 2001.