Title P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain (RPCP46G0) Purpose This report provides you with an alternative process for reporting cardata to the Inland Revenue (IR), rather than submitting this datamanually. You run the P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain>(RPCP46G0) to ensure that an employee's PAYE tax code is changed asquickly as possible, when the provision of a car and/or private fuel toan employee changes. The P46 form informs the IR of changes in anemployee's company car situation. When an employee is provided with a company car and/or fuel, or when anemployee ends employment and returns a company car, you should send acompleted P46(Car) Form to the IR as soon as possible. Note>>: You must make a P46 (Car) Form return to your PAYE tax office no laterthan 28 days after the end of each tax quarter, to account for anychanges in car provisions for affected employees. Many organisations donot wait until the end of a tax quarter before making a P46 (Car) Formreturn, but submit P46 forms to the IR as soon as a change has beennotified.Prerequisites You must run the P46(Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report>(RPCI46G0) one time only, to prepare the car database, before you runthe P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain>. If you donot, you will not be able to run report RPCP46G0. Note>>: We recommend that you read the SAP Library and SAP online documentationfor report RPCI46G0 before >you run report RPCP46G0. The Archive Initialisation Report creates P46 forms in the same way asthe P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain>, for all carsthat were available on or after 6 April 2002. You must run the P46Archive Initialisation Report even if there were no cars available atthis time. This report stores all such cars in the archive, but does notoutput P46 (Car) SAPScript forms . After running the Archive Initialisation Report once, each subsequenttime you run the P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain>,P46 forms will be outputted.Features The P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain (RPCP46G0) comparesthe car data stored in the car archive with current infotype 0442 datastored in your SAP system. Any changes that have occurred in the cararchive between the date of the archive initialisation and the time yourun report RPCP46G0 are captured by report RPCP46G0, and all requiredP46 forms will be created for your selected employees. Output> You have three output options for P46 (Company Car) Form Report forGreat Britain: PDF Display SAPScript forms This option allows you to print the P46 data via SAPScript technology,generating one SAPScript form per employee. As the definition of theforms differ, you must enter the SAPScript names of the P46 (Car) forms.To search for applicable forms, use the input help (F4) and choosePayroll: United Kingdom> -> Legal Reports> -> P46>. Every year, SAP will provide Inland Revenue (IR) approved templates forthe P46(Car) Form in the standard delivery. The SAP P46(Car) Form isderived from the original IR form. The name of the SAP-delivered P46 template is as follows, where xxxxindicates the year the latest version of the P46 form was created: HR_GB_P46_xxxx > [Inland Revenue P46 template (A4 landscape)] If you wish to change the SAP-delivered P46 forms, copy the SAPtemplates and amend them according to your needs. To do so, use theForm Painter>. Output of the P46 data via ALV list This option allows you to print the P46 (Car) Form data via ABAP ListViewer (ALV) technology. The ALV output allows you to check outputteddata for correctness and consistency, prior to running the P46 report inproduction mode. It displays the data which will be used to generate theforms in a table format, within which you can build subtotals andfilters for the data. The data is displayed for each of the P46 formsindividually. For each of the lists, you can also create a display variant, whichdefines the fields you would like to see on your ALV output. Forclarity, the form name that you want to enter a variant for is mentionedbehind each input field. RESET N1 Note>>: You can also run the P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain > in the background, by choosing Program >-> Execute inBackground>. The results (your created P46 forms) can be displayed bychoosing System >-> Own Spool Requests>.Activities Selection> You run this report from the selection screen for report RPCP46G0. Person selection period fields. The start date of the Person selection period> is defaulted as thebegin date of the current tax year. You cannot amend this date. The enddate of the person selection period is defaulted as the end date of thecurrent tax year. You are able to change this end date to, for example,the current date. Choose your required selection criteria in the Selection >groupbox. In the Processing Criteria> group box: Enter the relevant tax year ending 5 April. The system default is theend date of the current tax year, but you can amend this date. Theearliest tax year you can enter is year ending 2003. If you want to create new P46 (Car) forms for your selected employees,select the Create P46(Car) forms> radio button. If you need to amend the issue date field, you must press Enter>after you have set this radio button. Then enter your required issuedate, which will appear on the P46 form. Note>>: The supplementary documentation link above containsimportant information on the criteria for producing a P46 for anemployee and on the salary calculation made by report RPCP46G0. If you would like to re-create P46 (Car) forms that were already printedduring an earlier run, select the Repeat P46(Car) forms > >radio button. In order to edit the fields, delimiting the period in which the relevantP46 (Car) forms were issued, you must press Enter >after you haveset this radio button, and select your required dates. If you would like to run this report in test mode without saving theproduced forms in the archive, set the Test run> indicator. In the Output Options >group box: Choose your preferred output by selecting the appropriate radio button. You can opt to print the P46 (Car) report data via SAPScript forms, orproduce an ALV Output of your P46 (Car) report data. If you want to print the first page of the P46 (Car) form for allselected employees first, and then the second page for all employees,set the Print pages in separate lot> indicator (forSAPScript mode only). If you wish to display a capacity for the authorised person listed oneach of the P46 forms issued, enter a designation in the Capacity inwhich signed> field. Execute report RPCP46G0.Error handling during execution of report RPCP46G0> When errors occur during execution of report RPCP46G0, a number of codederror messages are generated by the system. These are outlined below.You must correct the errors outlined below, to allow report RPCP46G0 torun further. If any of these errors occurs during the report run, the confirm screenwill appear. This screen displays an ALV list of all personnel numbers(one entry per personnel number) whose processing could not be completeddue to one or more of these errors. You must check all personnel numbers and error texts, and correct eachspecified error. Double-clicking on an entry in the ALV list opens asubsequent ALV list containing all P46 (Car) forms for the selectedpersonnel number. By setting the indicator for a personnel number, allforms for the person will be stored in the archive (in productive mode).If this indicator is not set, all forms for this personnel number willbe rejected. Report RPCP46G0 error codes> Error-Code 878> Indicates that there are entries in the archive belonging to a car,which is not withdrawn, but is not captured on infotype Company Car>(0442). This could occur when an infotype record was deleted. Error-Code 879> Indicates that an employee's car could not be assigned to one of theavailable categories (new, second, or replacement car). Error-Code 880> Indicates that the withdrawal date of a car has been subsequentlychanged. Error-Code 881> Indicates that master data changes on cars occurred after the last runof the P46 (Car) report. Error-Code 882> Indicates that after the run of the P46(Company Car) ArchiveInitialisation Report >(RPCI46G0), an infotype Company Car>(0442) record was created with a start date earlier than 6 April 2002. Notes>>:
- A P46 (Car) form should only be produced for directors or employees
earning a salary of GBP 8500 or more a year. If an employee does notfulfill this condition at the time the report is run, a P46(Car) formwill still be printed and stored in the archive. In this lattersituation, all employees whose P46 form is stored only in the archivewill be displayed in the warning list.
- Always check the long text of the error messages, where available.
- Click here> for further details on the above error
codes.Result Once you have corrected any errors, report RPCP46G0 runs to itsconclusion and the screen HR-GB: P46(Company Car) Form for GreatBritain> appears. This shows you a statistical evaluation of thecurrent run of the P46 (Car) report.Output> To produce the output (SAPScript or ALV), select the same report outputyou chose on the selection screen. You can switch between the two outputoptions using the menu path Extras >-> Switch Display Forms. > Information and error messages can be found using the following menupaths:
- Extras >-> Warning list>
Displays warnings and information for all processed P46 (Car) forms.
- Extras >-> Error list>
Displays error messages for employees for whom a P46 (Car) form couldnot be produced, and for other employees with error messages generatedfrom the report run.
- Extras >-> Log list>
Gives you a short summary of the forms produced, with details of theemployee and the company car. The list can be printed. You can changethe set of fields that are shown by changing the layout variant. If youchange this variant, the new version of the variant must be stored as08_SAPLOGP46>. Note>>: If no P46 forms have been produced, this option is not available.