Purpose This report has been produced specifically for the reconciliation ofperiodic and quarterly exports to service providers. The report can beselected by various payroll selection criteria, but also by the TaxCompany . For each selection there is the ability to select a SummaryOnly or the full details. The report has been designed to show all therelevant tax types necessary for each tax authority., therefore theheader will be different based on the tax authority being reported.This has been designed so as to save space in reporting. On a more technical basis, the report picks up data from the RT tableof the IF cluster and produces a report which should match thecorresponding exported idoc segments. For the Quarterly reporting thiswill compare the totals achieved from the RT on the IF cluster to thesaved cumulations retained on infotype 491 on the IF cluster. Uponevery run of the Periodic, the cumulations are saved so as not torepeat this cumulation process on a quarterly run. The saved data isreflected on the IF cluster on infotype 491, subtype TAX. This datawill not appear on the actual database, only on the IF cluster tableentry. |