Descrition Registered employers must pay over an amount to the Compensation Fund on an annual basis based on a percentage or fixed rate of the annual earning paid to their employees. The financial year of the Compensation Fund runs from March to the end of February of the next year. The information required for the assessment form (Form W.As 8(E)) are the following: Monthly average number of employees employed during assessment year Total amount of earnings paid to employees. (Rand only)(Wages and salaries) excluding working directors and members of a close corporation. Total amount of earnings paid to working directors or members of a close corporation Total earnings The report should be run at the end of the assessment year. Calculations Items regarded as earning are the following: Salaries/wages Commission Cost of living allowance Value of food and quarters supplied free of charge Incentive bonuses Bonuses of a regular nature to which an employee is, in terms of his service contract, entitled, i.e. thirteenth cheque Overtime of a regular nature Items excluded for calculation purposes are: travelling and subsistence allowances payments of a re-imbursive nature overtime worked occasionally ex-gratia payments Calculation Rules All employees in service during the assessment year should be takeninto account for the COID calculations, even if they have left beforethe end of the COID year. If an employee has worked less than acomplete year, the earnings for the period worked should be used toproject the earnings for a complete year and this figure should be usedas the basis for calculations. If an employee was employed for theentire assessment year, the number of days worked should be calculatedas being the total number of days in the year. If an employee hasworked less than a complete year, the number of days is calculated fromthe date joined to the last day of February (for a person employed atthe end of the COID year), or from March 1 until date left (person wasemployed when the year started but has left since), or from start dateuntil end date (started after March 1 and left before the end ofFebruary). If an employee had interrupted service during the year, allservice periods and hence all days worked are taken into account. Themaximum threshold for calculations is obtained from the CompensationCommissioner and is for eg. R80,028.00. Thus for salaries less thanR80,028 the actual annual earning should be used, else a figure ofR80,028 should be used. Earnings paid to working directors of a companyare calculated similarly but printed separately. A person is considereda director if he/she is a director at the end of the COID-year or onthe date the director leaves the company. SAP Implementation Details The report relies on additional data and parameters: One constant intable T511P WWCA2 represents. the COID annual threshold . Theseconstants have a validity period and are thus changed if the maximumand threshold for COID change. The report reads all personnel numbersfor employees active in the company during the assessment year. Peremployee the report reads the RT table (from the RW cluster) for theassessment year in order to get the value for wagetype /114 (WCA/COIDapplicable earnings). This value is the value that is used to calculatethe earnings for the employee for the assessment year. If an employeehad interrupted service within one calendar year the report takes allactive periods within the assessment year into account and projects theincome for a full year. The company code and assessment year for whichthe report is required should be specified on the selection screen.For statutory requirements only the detail listed previously in thisdocumentation is required. The report also provides for a detailedbreakdown of the calculations per personal area personal subarea andper employee. |