Purpose Prerequisites Features
Note NS month is the month in which the employee went on NRS. For more information on configurations for the While calculating the average amount for the variable allowances, thereport checks for the following: For example, the NS month is August, the maximum period is six months,and the minimum period is four months. In this case the report checksfor the records of a variable allowance from February to July. Therecords must be available for atleast four months within this period. For example, the NS month is August, the maximum period is six months,and the minimum period is four months. In this case the report checks for the records of a variable allowancefrom February to July. The records must exist continously for atleastfour months in the given period. The average amount calculated is asfollows: Average amount = Total amount divided by the number of months in whichthe allowance exists continuously (four months) For example, the NS month is August, and the variable allowance is notavailable in July. If there is A valid reason, the report will calculate the average amount as: Average amount = Total amount divided by the number of months in whichthe variable allowance exits (five months) No valid reason, the report will calculate the average amount as: Average amount = Total amount divided by the total number of months inthe maximum period (six months) Note When a valid The report computes the percentage of days for which the For example, a valid Percentage of ( The report will compare the computed value (22.7%) with the percentageconfigured in the For more information on configuring the constant refer to the IMG under Using this report, you also obtain information on certain special casesof NRS claim amount calculation. The special cases are: If there is a valid reason, the report calculates the average amountusing the formula: Average amount = Total amount divided by the number of months in whichthe allowance was paid (excluding the month in which the allowance wasnot available) If there is no valid reason, the report calculates the average amountusing the formula: Average amount = Total amount divided by the total number of months inthe maximum period (including the month in which the allowance was notavailable) If a variable allowance is not available for some month(s), the reportchecks for a valid reason in the table view Selection For example, the payroll data is available from February to June, andthe NS month is August. The payroll data is not available for July. Ifyou select the Output Part I: Personal Data This section provides employee information such as the Part II: Payment This section provides information on the fixed and variable allowancespaid to an employee over the maximum period specified for average amountcalculations. The report first lists all the fixed allowances, and thenthe variable allowances. The report also displays information such as: Average amount for every allowance Computed basic salary, and the Fixed and variable allowances of the NS period. The report also displaysthe Activities |
1515775 | NRS : Quality improvements |