Description This report prints the Employee Single Statement and all the formsdefined in customizing. 'Selection' section In section parameters you can make a selection by employee ID, area,subarea and payroll area. The selection will be made automatically from HR logical database'PNP'. 'Selection period' parameter Specify the processing month and year. Typically, yearly forms such asthe ESS for the processing month is 12; however, you can make theprocessing for any month. 'Form date' parameter Specify the date to be printed to the form. 'Company code' parameter In this field you can specify a company code according to T5IT1P tablecustomizing. All the employees belonging to the selected company codewill be chosen. If no value is specified, all company codes will be processed. 'INPS (social security) indicator' parameter In this field you can specify an INPS indicator according to T5ITNBtable customizing. By specifying an INPS indicator, an evaluation willbe made for employees whose INPS indicator matches the selected one. 'INPS registration number' parameter Indicate the INPS registration number for processing according to theT5ITNC customizing table. 'Workplace' parameters Indicate a work place according to the T5ITND table customizing. 'Form check' button Using this parameter you can obtain a form customizing log. 'Display selections' button Using this parameter you can obtain a list of the selections made insection 'Corporate master data'. 'Form' parameter Indicate the indicator of the form to be printed. Please see also theIMG documentation for form customizing. 'Form layout' parameter Indicate a layout indicator. You can define the layout of forms to beprinted with this report using table T5ITN9. 'Calculate /Print' parameter If you select this parameter, you can make the calculation and printthe form. 'Calculate /save/ print' parameter If you select this parameter, you can make the calculation and printthe form, as well as save the data to the form in the database of tableT5ITNA. 'Print' parameter With this type of processing, you print the form by reading the datafrom table T5ITNA without making calculations. 'Last payroll valid' parameter If you set this parameter, if the employee does not have values in theRI cluster for the processing month, the last payroll result will beconsidered.
- E.g.: assuming that the processing month is December, if the employee
does not have payroll results in this month, because he/she hasterminated the working relatioship this year, the values extracted fromthe cluster will the the last ones to be calculated.'Calculate from period start' parameter If you select this parameter, the payroll result processing will startfrom the first day of the processing year.
- E.g.: assuming that the processing year and month are respectively 10
and 1999 and that the user has selected the 'Calculate from periodstart' parameter, the reading of payroll results will cover the period01.01.1999 to 31.10.1999.'Show sign' parameter By setting this parameter you will print the sign next to negativeamounts. 'Use thousands separator' parameter By selecting this option you will print a dot as a separator forthousands in amounts. 'Minimum employee number details' parameter By selecting this parameter you will print a form for each employeeselected. Otherwise the form will be printed at a corporate level withthe cumulated amounts. 'Display log' parameter If you choose this parameter, you will obtain the number of employeesprocessed and the number of employees excluded from the processing.