Generated by RPTTVXAD, Date: 210493 Time: 132719 RERPCMLI00Description This program report generates the cash breakdown list for the personnelnumbers, payroll area and payroll period selected. The components of the cash breakdown list are as follows: - a cover sheet for each plant section, a list of coins and notes and their numbers for cash payments of wages and salaries, a list of payments, and a lsit of signatures; - a list of totals for each plant section, plant, company code, and country; - a list of errors with the personnel numbers for which no values could be found. The report program recognizes that company codes may occur in different countries, and chooses the corresponding currency automatically. The coins and notes are stored in table 520M for each currency. - Country grouping - Company code - Plant - Plant section LGART parameter Wage-/salary type for net amount Definition Here you enter the wage type for which the payroll amounts are read andthe cash breakdown list is generated. In view of the use of the cashbreakdown list for the cash payment of wages and salaries, the value'/557' is pre-set. |