Purpose This is an annual survey report on occupational wages, which includesthree forms: Form 1A - Including employees who are CPF contributors Form 1B - Including employees who are under Foreign Workers Levy scheme Form 1C - Including employees who are Employment Pass holders This survey is required to submit to CPF board for certain selectedemployers. Normally survey period is from July of previous year to Juneof current year (e.g. 01.07.1999 - 30.06.2000) Prerequisites Employees who are involved in the survey must be: 1. still employed in the last month of survey period (e.g. 06/2000) and 2. mandatory CPF contributors or 3. voluntary CPF contributors or 4. under FWL (Foreign Workers Levy) scheme or 5. Employment Pass holders The following employees should not be included in the survey: 1. Left company before the last month of survey period (e.g 30/05/2000) 2. Work overseas and do not make voluntary CPF contributions Features Selection In the selection screen, you are required to enter 'Other period' assurvey period. Personnel numbers, Company code, Personnel area andsubarea or other organization info are allowed to enter as well. Selectoutput form(s) is also required. If you want to download to PC fordiskette submission, the full target file name must be entered. In the selection screen "Additional parameters", you are required toenter basic wage type. (Note: This is a new WT, so that if it is thefirst time to run this report, you may need to create this wage typefirst. Please refer to released note 152491 for more details) Declaration info could also be stated in the screen. Output Each form (Form 1A, 1B & 1C) has 3 sheets: Sheet 1 - Print 'OLD' employees who are covered in both previous andcurrent surveys Sheet 2 - Print 'NEW' employees who are covered in the survey FIRSTtime Sheet 3 - Print declaration on last page Sheet 1 and 2 print headings and the following particulars: - Name of Employee - CPF Account No(for Form 1A) or Work Permit No (for Form 1B) orForeign ID No (for Form 1C) - Occupation - Mode of Payment (Indicated in feature 25PAY) '1' - for Monthly rated '2' - for Daily rated '3' - for Hourly rated '4' - for Piece rated (including fixed basic wage plus piece rated) '5' - for On-commission rated (including fixed basic wage pluscommissions) '9' - for other mode of payments, e.g. by trip, by weight, etc. - Commencing Basic Wage Basic wage paid to an employee who 1. joined in current survey period, and 2. did not have prior relevant working experience, and 3. is neither an apprentice nor a trainee (Note: Using infotype 0023 and feature 25PWK to clarify whether EEhas prior relevant working experience or not) - Basic Wage Including all basic WTs entered in table T539J with valuated WT'XXXX' (Here 'XXXX' is the name of basic wage type entered in selectionscreen). - Total Monthly Earnings Sum up all WTs that valued '01' for evaluation class 14 in tableT512W - Office where employee is attached (Indicated in feature 25OFF) Indicated by the serial number of the office in which employee isworking. - Type of Employee (Indicated in feature 25TYP) '1' - for employee who is an apprentice/trainee '2' - for employee who is on a temporary basis '3' - for employee who is on a part-time basis '4' - for employee who is piece-rated '5' - for other employee who does not work for the full month dueto unpaid absent or resigned '0' - for other employee who works fully in the month - Department (Indicated in feature 25DPT) This field will be shown in Form Overview only. |