Description This report is used to create a dataset for a certain period. You canselect the required data medium on the ZK>Output> tab page. The datais written to a TemSe file in the foreground or in the background. To display the data, you must run report Displaying HR TemSe Files(Netherlands)> (RPUTSVN1>). To save the data to the required data medium you must run reportDownloading HR TemSe Files (Netherlands)> ( RPUTSVN0>). The layout of the records meets therequirements of GAK defined in the "Digitale Melding Bedrijfsvereniginginstructie inzender" (digital industrial insurance board (IIB)notification, sender instructions) published by GAK. The data must have a certain structure, which is: RECORD A: Header record, sender data> RECORD C: Employer record> RECORD E: Record for personal data of employee> RECORD I: Employee IIB notification record> RECORD J: Employee IIB insurance record> RECORD Y: Last record for employer> RECORD Z: Final record> More than one employer record may exist for each sender, e.g.: -> pattern A C E I J Y C E I J Y Z>. More than one personal data record may exist for each employer record,e.g.: -> pattern A C E I J E I J Y Z>. Each dispatch may contain the personal and other data of more than oneemployer, e.g.: -> pattern A C E I J E I J Y C E I J E I J Y Z>. Note!> As of January 1, 2006, the above notification will be obsolete becauseof the new wage return, with the exception of retroactive notifications.This means that if the start date chosen is on or after January 1, 2006,the only records the system will still read will be records from table"NSI: Data Record Notifications" (T5N1T).Precondition Explanation for a number of fields on the SI notification
- Selection Screen: Fields specifically for the SI notification
- Submitting Legal Person: The "executive authority"
[uitvoeringsinstelling] legal person entered determines which data isincluded in header record A.
- Legal Person Report: Only those employees are selected who are assigned
to the selected legal person in infotype Organizational Assignment(0001) and feature NLR01.
- Retroactive Notification: Select this field to indicate that the records
in table T5N1T "NSI: Data Record Notifications" should be taken intoaccount.
- Test Mode: Select this field to change the records retrieved from table
T5N1T with status 0 (Data Record Created for GAK) to status 1 (DataRecord Sent to GAK) or status 2 (Record Contains Errors). In addition, there are a number of fields that relate to the programoutput.
- Medium Code: Indicate which output medium should be used.
- Density: Indicate which density is required.
- Tape Number: Only relevant if the medium chosen is a cartridge. The
number will then be included in the IBM label records.
- Detailed Report: Select this field if you want a detailed report;
otherwise, the system will only create an error report.Definition The following records will be created by the program: Header Record A> The sender data is determined by what is entered in the selection screenfor Submitting legal person. The data is read from tables T5N9P (AddressData) and T5N9R (Registration Numbers). Record type: "A" Medium/density code: via selection screen Label code: "2" Name, address and registration number: The sender address data isprimarily derived from the relationship data in T5N9R (in particular theinternal contact) and - if no contact has been filled - from the legalperson data in T5N9P. The sender registration number is derived from therelationship data (T5N9R-ANSNR) - or T5N9R entry - the sumbitting legalperson maintains with the GAK. Employer Record C> Record type: "C" Name, address and registration number: same as for header record, butthen with reference to the legal person report. Record for Personal Data of Employee E> Record type: "E" Personal and address data are derived from infotype Personal Data (0002)and Addresses (0006), subtype "1". SoFi Number: Infotype Fiscal Data NL (0060), field SoFi Number(P0060-SOFIN). Via feature NLMSV, the report controls the name fields in infotypePersonal Data (0002). Employee IIB Notification Record I> Record type: "I" Personal and address data are derived from infotype Personal data (0002)and infotype Addresses (0006). Notification type A: 1 = Hired in Period 2 = Change in Relevant Data 0 = Not Applicable The possibility of making corrections (change "3" or recall "4") is notsupported by the system. Codes ZW (P0059-KDZW1), WW (P0059-KDWW1), WAO (P0059-KDWAO) and the codefor health insurance (P0059-KDZKS) are recorded in infotype SocialInsurances NL (0059). A (relevant) change will lead to an SInotification (Notification type A = 2). The same applies to changes ininsurance/capacity (P0409-CDVERZ) recorded in infotype External AgenciesNL (0409), subtype GAK (1). Notification type B: 1 = Left in Period 2 = Deceased in Period 0 = Not Applicable Employee NSI Notification Record J> Record type: "J" Insurance code for ZW, WW, WAO and ZFW respectively, is derived frominfotype Social Insurances NL (0059) (see above). Primary insurance cover/capacity of the insured: This code has 15positions and is derived from the Primary Insurance Cover/Capacity ofothe Insured (NL) table (T5N5A), T5N5A-OUTPT field, via the code enteredin the Insurance/Capacity field (P0409-CDVERZ) in infotype ExternalAgencies NL (0409). Professional group code: This is determined by the code entered ininfotype Fiscal Data NL (0060), Income Indicator field (P0060-INKKD).Code 11 results in professional group CIVIL SERVANT and if the Exemptfrom SI Contributions for Conscientious Reasons (P0060-GEMBZ) field isfilled, the professional group passed on is GEMOEDSBEZW. Work arrangement: Whether or not a work arrangement is regular willprimarily be derived from infotype CBS NL (P0408), field "Shift Type"(P0408-SRTDT). If this infotype does not exist, or if the "Shift Type"field is empty, then the following applies. The work arrangement isdetermined by the number of workdays entered in infotype Planned WorkingTime (0007), field Part-Timer (P0007-TEILK) and in infotype Fiscal DataNL (0060), field Time Period (P0060-TIJDV). If the employee is a part-ti mer and he or she falls under table "Day Table"(5), then the workarrangement is regarded as irregular (code 0 = is passed on as notregular). All other cases will be passed on as a regular workarrangement (code 1 = regular). Number of renumerated days per 4 weeks: This is derived from infotypePlanned Working Time (0007), field Weekly Workdays (P0007-WKWDY). Themaximum number of workdays is set to 20. Last Record for Employer Y> Record type: "Y" The totals and fields contained in this record are explained above. Final Record Z> Record type: "Z" The totals and fields contained in this record are explained above.Annotation If you use this report to send the IIB notifications to the GAK, thefield Insurance and Capacity of the Insured must be filled. This can bedone in infotype External Agencies (0409), subtype GAK (0001). Some data is not included on the NSI tape. This data relates to theaddress of the employee according to the register of births, deaths andmarriages. This must be filled if the employer knows the address to bedifferent from the regular address. This data is not stored in the SAPsystem and shall, therefore, not be printed on the NSI records. The selected personnel numbers for which the SoFi number is not filledare not written to the tape. The system will, however, generate an errormessage. Retroactive SI Notifications> Retroactive SI notifications are changes made to notifications enteredfor the current payroll period. To ensure that these notifications aresent, you must select the "Retroactive Notifications" field. Retroactive SI notifications are created via dynamic personnel actionsfor all relevant infotypes. These dynamic personnel actions, however,depend on how your system has been customized. It is therefore importantto check this for the different calls in the table for dynamic personnelactions T588Z. This program can be used to dispatch data records that have been createdin table T5N1T "Data Record Notifications" to the executive authorityGAK. The notifications concerned are only read from table T5N1T if thenotification date lies before the start date of the selection period. When the records have been read from the table, the status is set to 1(Data record sent to GAK) to prevent the same record from being sentmore than once.Processing A set of employee records is created for each of the events below thatmay occur in the selected period: Hiring (if registration number changes also for an employee being hiredby a different company unit). Leaving (if registration number changes also for an employee leaving acompany unit). Changes in statutory insurance or contribution to the unemploymentinsurance act [WW], occupational disability insurance act [WAO] orcompulsory health insurance act [ZFW]. Changes in work arrangement or the total number of workdays per week. Changes in primary insurance cover/capacity of the insured. Selection If required you can specify a cross-platform file name for theSocial Insurance Notification GAK>. A physical path and a physicalpath name must be defined for a logical path name "HR_NL_MSV_GAK" (c.f.Maintaining Logical File Names> in the IMG). ________________________________________________________________________