Recommendation We recommend that you run the payroll reconciliationreport>, rather than this report, to produce an overview of the claimsfound in your system. Once you have run that report to find specificclaims whose circumstances are to be further investigated, run thisreport and specify the claim(s) to be analyzed. Running this report to produce an overview of all claims, ratherthan to investigate specific ones, may pose constraints on system memory >.Description This report is the primary system tool for investigating thecircumstances that created any given claim. The report provides thefollowing information for each claim: Wage type amounts: /561 - Claim /5PY - Good Money Component breakdown - deltas: Overpaid wages Overpaid taxes Component breakdown - original period amounts: Pre-tax deductions Post-tax deductions Knowledge of these amounts is critical for a payroll administrator todecide which amounts should be repaid by the employee (such as overpaidwages), and which can or must be forgiven (such as pre-tax 401(k)deductions). The report shows the difference between what taxes weretaken and what taxes should have been taken. In the case of deductions,the report provides the original deduction amounts, which are of greateruse than a delta, since remitted deductions are often unrecoverable. Customizing If you would like to run the Payroll Driver under a customer-specificschema in order to perform claims processing, perform the configurationfound in the following Payroll USA Implementation Guide: Reporting> -> Claims Processing>Dependencies Upon running this report, investigating the cause of a given claim, anddeciding that you would like to clear that claim, you may create arecord in the Payroll Results Adjustment> infotype (0221) undersubtype ADJT>. Using wage type RPAY>, enter the claim amount(s) listed in theoutput of this report that you would like to clear. Then use yourcorresponding user wage types to enter the taxable amounts (pertechnical wage type) listed in the output of this report. Uponcompletion, save the record to clear the claim. If, while running this report, you encounter errors with the PayrollDriver (RPCALCU0), please use transaction SP01> to review theerror log. Alternatively, run the Payroll Driver manually with theparameters provided by the report. Moreover, when running this report in lower releases, users mayencounter Payroll Driver log screens, rather than output for the presentreport. Such occurrences have no functional bearing on the performanceor output of this report. If you run this report and encounter suchscreens, simply select Back> (F3>) to view the output ofthis report.Activity To view a breakdown of the components of any given set of claims,specify any or all of the following selection criteria: Standard selection criteria Payroll area Payroll period Personnel number range Upon making your selection, run the report. In response, the system willreview all payroll results found in the selected range of payroll areas,payroll periods and personnel, then tabulate any claims it finds forfurther analysis. However, as stated above, we recommend that youspecify a narrow range of selection criteria when running this report. >Output ALV Control:> In the ALV Layout >field, enter the desired display layout. |