&PURPOSE&> Use this report to generate the Labour Market Survey> form. The Labour Market Survey> form contains statistical informationabout the employees in your organization, for example, total number ofemployees, number of employees hired, number of employees terminated, ina selected year. The report obtains the required information from the following:
- Infotypes
- Features
- Personal IDs infotype (0185)>
Report reads this infotype for employee's Identity Card (ICType)>.
- Organizational Assignment infotype (0001)>
Report reads the Employee Group> and Employee Subgroup >fromthis infotype.
- Actions infotype (0000)>
Report reads this infotype to obtain information about terminatedemployees.Features
- Determine the
classification the Employees - Part I feature (25CL1)> Using this feature, the report classifies the employees into thefollowing categories: Professionals, managers, executives and technicians> Clerical, sales and service workers> Production and transport operators, workers, labourers>
- Determine the type
of severance feature (25RES)> Using this feature, the report subgroups the employees who have left theestablishment during the reporting period into the following: 01 - Retrenchments (Singaporeans and PRs)> 02 - Retrenchments (Foreigners)> 03 - Early release of contract workers due to redundancy(Singaporeans and PRs)> 04 - Early release of contract workers due to redundancy(Foreigners)> 05 - Resignations> 06 - Others>
- Determine Employees
laid off temporarily feature (25LOT)> Using this feature, the report determines the number of employeeslaid-off temporarily during the reporting period.
- Determine Employees
placed on short work week feature (25SWW)> Using this feature, the report determines the number of employees placedon short work week during the reporting period. Note The report calculates the number of Job Vacancies based on thecalculation method that you have configured. For more information referto the following activity under the IMG: Payroll Singapore> -> Labour Market Survey> ->BAdI: Configure Job Vacancy CalculationMethod>Prerequisites
- Infotype records exist for the selected employee range.
- The feature configurations are complete.
- You have defined the Job Vacancy calculation method.
Output The report generates the Labour Market Survey> form.Activities On the Labour Survey Query> screen, enter the relevantinformation. To execute the report, choose Program> -> Execute>. The report generates the Labour Market Survey >form.