Purpose Labor insurance consists of two insurance types: employment insuranceand worker's insurance, the premium of which differs depending on thetype of the respective company. Each April, the employer pays the labor insurance premium for the nextperiod (from April to March) based on the total estimated wage amount.The difference of actual amount will be settled in the next April. As for employment insurance, the premium is deducted from the payment ineach payroll run, but for worker's insurance, the premium is justcalculated out by the payroll run but not deducted from the actualpayment. And the premium calculated in payroll is rounded for eachemployee. Then with this report, you will use the wage amount not the sum total ofpremium amount to calculate the actual premium for each subsidiary. Thatis, you can display a list of all wage amounts that are related to laborinsurance. Specifically, you can list out the exact wage amounts forcalculating the insurance premium that the corresponding partner companyshould pay annually for Shukko employees. The information contained inthe report is needed to ensure proper insurance premium payments fromboth the sending and the receiving company. Note:> This report is the replacement of the old report RPCLIAJ0.Output The report will display the detailed information of employee's regularpayroll, payroll for Shukko period, Workers' insurance premium,employment insurance premium and rounded amount, etc. The list is displayed in an ALV Grid. Depending on the ALV settings, thedata can be sorted, and data can be displayed for individual employees,or as a summary, or partially both. Download of the data (e.g. to Excel)for processing outside mySAP ERP HCM is also possible. The list containsthe data for all employees, and with setting a filter, the list can bereduced to only display the Shukko employees. Note>: In contrast to the RPCLIAJ0, the data for each employee arealso contained in the output. The user is free to choose individualdata, or summary information. |