Title Employer Insurance Statement for Temporary Work Relationships Purpose This report is used to create the employer insurance statement for workrelationships shorter than three months (fixed-term contract statement[KVC-verklaring]). Prerequisites If a work relationship is initially for a period of less than threeconsecutive months, (e.g. holiday work), the employee will normally notregister with a compulsory health insurance. If he is privately insured, then the compulsory health insurance willreimburse the private health insurance contribution for the insuredperiod and also for the costs that are not covered by the privatehealth insurance, but that are covered by the compulsory healthinsurance. As soon as possible after the end of the temporary work relationshipthe employer will sign and send the completed 'KV' part of the 'KVC'statement to the health insurance company, to which the insuredemployee will turn for reimbursement. A copy of the 'KVC' statement issent to the employee. When claiming for reimbursement of the HIcontribution and/or costs incurred, the employee can submit this copyto the health insurance company as proof of the period he was insured. Features Output This report automatically fills the following sections in thestatement:
- Employee Data
- Period for Insurance Statement
- Compulsory Health Insurance Company
- Employer Data
A copy of the employer insurance statement is given to the insuredemployee.Activities If, as a result of the hiring action, value 1 (Statutory ContributionER/EE), 2 (Statutory Contribution EE) or 3 (Statutory Contribution ER)is entered in infotype Social Insurance> (0059), field HIIndicator>, it means that the employee is covered by compulsoryhealth insurance. In infotype Social Insurance> (0059) in the fields Healthinsurance Company> and Reg. No.> you can enter the name of thecompulsory health insurance company and, if required, the registrationnumber to be printed on the employer insurance statement. Infotype Contract Elements> (0016) is used to determine whether acontract is a fixed-term contract and if the contract has been agreedfor a period of less than three months. A person is selected for this report if the period between the startdate for Contract Elements> (0016) and the end date of thecontract is shorter than three months, and the end date of the contractlies within the selected period of this report. The latter determines whether or not a 'KVC' statement is applicable. The employer insurance statement (report RPCVBPN0) is used fornotifications to the health insurance company for contracts exceeding 3months.