Use This report is used to issue lists for claims of reduced hourscompensation (RHC) winter compensation (WC) and winter compensationcontribution amount (WCCA) for the employement office and healthinsurance funds. Precondition To create the lists, all selected personnnel numbers must have beencalculated for the selected period. Output for a certain personnelnumber is only created if RHC, WC or WCCA were calculated for thepersonnel number in question. The lists for the health insurance fundsare only created if an employee was sick on one day, and was sickbefore the start of the reference period for RHC, WC or WCCA. Description After payroll (RPCALCD0, schema D000 or DBAU), the report creates thefollowing lists for any period: RESET N1 RHC- list for employment office RHC- list for health insurance fund (if required) WC- list for employment office WC- list for health insurance fund (if required) WCCA- list for employment office WCCA- list for health insurance fund (if required) These lists are sorted according to company code, reference number.Lists for health insurance funds are sorted according to healthinsurance fund and for-period. If the employee receives several benefits in a period, (for example,RHC and RHC sick pay or WC and WCCA), then the total benefits as wellas the individual benefits are displayed on the list with the losthours. These are listed under the total benefits along with therelevant benefit with relevant lost hours, benefit, reference number,and, if necessary, the health insurance fund. The benefit, that isrelevant to the respective list, is highlighted. If there are retroactive results for the employee, the retroactivedifferences are printed under the current results. Only the differenceis entered in the 'Benefits to be paid' field. If there are severalbenefits, the current results are only printed for the total benefits.For the individual statements, only the differences are entered in the'Lost hours' and 'Benefits to be paid' columns. At the end of a for-period, the total is issued directly under thelist. The total for the health insurance fund and for the referencenumber are printed respectively on a new page. Values Only enter the payroll periods by specifying the payroll area, or bydirectly entering the month and year. The range of personnel numbers can be further limited in the Selection> block. In the Additional Data> block, you can select certain referencenumbers and for-periods. When entries are made here, a total list iscreated. This means, only the most current result, whose in-period issmaller than or equal to the ID period, is printed for the selectedfor-periods. Retroactive differences are not issued. If a total list is created, you can use the All personnel numbersin reference number> paramter to list the personnel numbers that haveno lost hours, but are assigned a reference number. The Per. with several benefits> field is usesd to list personnelnumbers that have received several different benefits in one period.Note The lists correspond to the rules for claims for RHC, WC, or WCCA thatare valid from the 1st January 1998. For lists, that must be createdfor periods before 1998, please use report RPCKULD0>.Further notes The rules to calculate reduced hours compensation was changeed in March1998. The new rules apply retroactively as of the 1st January 1998.However, benefits, that arose before 31st March 1998 are calculatedaccording to the rules that applied then, and are applied for by theemployment offices (see also the documentation for RPCKUMD1>). The lists output with this report correspond to the current rules forclaim procedures for reduced hours compensation or winter compensation,status March 1998. Benefits that were calculated according to theprevious rules, can be issued using the RPCKULD1> report. At this time, different data is printed on the two lists. One listcontins the new data that can not be printed on the old list. On theother, data, issued on the old list, that no longer applies in the newcalculation. In the case of retrocative calculation, this can result inunclear data on the lists in the period 01/1998 to 03/1998. The data inthe 'Benefits to be paid' column, is always consistent. To be able tounderstand the calculation, the original results have to printed. Thesecan be printed using the Period selection> field with reportRPCKULD1> for the benefits calculated according to the old rules,and with report RPCKULD2> for benefits calculated according tothe new rules.Changes from the 1st January 1999 or 1st November 1998: On the payroll lists from the 1st January 1999, the rounded plannedremuneration or actual remuneration have been replaced by non-roundedvalues. This applies for the payroll lists for winter compensation andwinter compensation contribution amounts as of the 1st November 1998. A new column is issued for the reduced hours compensation payroll list:'Benefit/hour'.This field is filled with a wage type, that is firstformed for the changes to this list. If old payroll results should beread, and this wage type is not available, the value '0,00' is issued. |