Description This report is used to create the annual employment tax statement forthe tax authority. An annual statement must be submitted to the tax authority for allactive employees. You can specify the required data medium on the Output> tab page.The data is written to a TemSe file in the foreground or background. To display the data, you must run report Displaying HR TemSe files(Netherlands)> (RPUTSVN1>). To save the data to the required data medium, you must run reportDownloading HR TemSe Files (Netherlands)> ( RPUTSVN0>). The data must have a certain structure, which is: RECORD 1 (header record, sender data) RECORD 3 (record for withholding agent) RECORD 5 (record for personal data of employee) RECORD 6 (record for tax-relevant data of employee) RECORD 7 (last record for withholding agent) RECORD 9 (final record) Records 5 and 6 must always appear together and in the order given. For each withholding agent several sets of employee data records may bewritten. One dispatch may contain the personal and other data of more than onewithholding agent. If you have not submitted employment tax card data digitally before, youmust first notify the tax office dealing with fiscal matters of thecompany. This can be done by sending the registration form which is included inthe 'Handleiding voor het geautomatiseerd aanleveren van loo nbelastingkaartgegevens' (Guidelines for digital delivery of employmenttax card data). In the fourth quarter of the year preceding the year in which the datais to be submitted digitally for the first time, a test file must besent to the tax office. Employees belonging to a special employee group all year, which is taxexempt and does not have to submit a tax return, are not selected forthe list. This concerns employees specified as having 'No annualemployment tax statement' in the special employee groups field ininfotype Fiscal Data NL (infotype 0060). Employees who do not belong tothis employee group all year, will always appear on the annualstatement. The corresponding code for employees who at any time had foreign taxliability and pay 25% tax (conversion rule "B") is always specified onthe tape, even if the conversion rule is only applicable for 1 day.Selection>
- The period parameter is required. You are not allowed to select payroll
areas that do not correspond with the period parameter entered. Periodparameter "1", for example, must meet the requirements of payroll areaswith monthly payroll periods. If required you can specify a cross-platform file name for theAnnual Employment Tax Statement>. You must define a physical pathand a physical file name for the logical path name "HR_NL_LOOGEG" (seealso Maintaining Logical File Names> in theIMG).Error Processing> The output for this program is created according to the guidelines fordigital delivery of employment tax card data specified by the taxauthorities. It is nevertheless conceivable that the records created donot comply with these specifications. To detect this, the programperforms a number of tests. If one or more errors are found the programwill display an error list on screen. The errors are usually an indication of imcomplete or incorrectlyrecorded data (for example in the infotypes) and must be corrected. Theprogram is capable of correcting some errors, which is why persons witherrors are included in the output file. As not all errors can becorrected, the following indications are given to assess whether thecorrected record still complies with the specifications.
- Error>: "Special indicator not (no longer) valid"
Automatic correction>: Special indicator will be deleted Comment>: Record complies with specifications after correctionprovided that not all special indicators are listed. This error occursif persons were assigned a special indicator code in the past that wasnot delimited or deleted after the tax authorities classified thesecodes as "obsolete". Recommendation>: Delimit the special indicator code in infotype 60as of December 31 of the year preceding the reporting year. If thespecial indicator code has been replaced by another code by the taxauthorities, the latter must be recorded in infotype 60.
- Error>: "Amount is missing for special indicator"
Automatic correction>: No automatic correction possible Comment>: Record does not comply with specifications aftercorrection. Note: If no amount can be found for special indicator 04(for example, if IT0127 is not filled) the program will delete theindicator. No error message will be created and the record will meet thespecifications after the program has been run. Recommendation>: Check the recorded payments belonging to thespecial indicator code.
- Error>: "Invalid amount for special indicator"
Automatic correction>: Amount is set to 0 Comment>: Record complies with specifications after correction Recommendation: >Check the data recorded for the special indicatorcode.
- Error:> "More than 6 special indicators"
Automatic correction>: Only the first 6 special indicators aretransferred. Comment>: Record complies with specifications after correction(some special indicators are not listed).
- Error:> 'No valid registration number in T5N9R'
Automatic correction>: Not possible Comment>: Record does not comply with specifications Recommendation:> Check the registration number for the key(REPER/AUTHORITY) mentioned in table T5N9R.