This report is used to generate the number af extra vacation days whichthe employee gets when he or she takes the vacation within the summerperiod.Purpose The report generates the number of extra vacation days that theemployee gets depending on how many vacation days the employee hastaken within the summer period. The report also takes the leave type ofthe vacation days into account. Note When the check box Consider days worked per week> is marked, theactual number of days worked per week will be considered and tableT5M_SUMMER_PER will be evaluated when generating the number of extravacation days. See also Example>.Features Example Consider days worked per week> Assume that the normal working days per week, as specified in tableT5M03, is five days for both employee A and B. Employee A is working five days per week (as stored in infotype 7). Theemployee takes three weeks of vacation within the summer period. Forthis employee three weeks of vacation means 15 vacation days. To calculate the number of extra vacation days for this employee, thenumber of vacation days is divided by the number of days worked perweek divided by the normal working days per week: 15 vacation days / ( 5 days worked per week / 5 working days per week )= 5/5 * 15 vacation days = 15 vacation days. Employee B is working two days per week (as stored in infotype 7). Thisemployee also takes three weeks of vacation within the summer period.For this employee three weeks of vacation means six vacation days. Likewise, to calculate the number of extra vacation days for employeeB, the number of vacation days is divided by number of vacation days isdivided by the number of days worked per week divided by the normalworking days per week: 6 vacation days / ( 2 days worked per week / 5 working days per week )= 5/2 * 6 vacation days = 15 vacation days. Table T5M_SUMMER_PER> From#day|To#day|Leavetype|Extravac.days 0 | 5 | 02 | 7 6 | 10 | 02 | 6 11 | 20 | 02 | 5 In our case five extra days of vacation is found in the table above forboth employees. Finally, the following calculation takes place: The number of extra vacation days found in table T5M_SUMMER_PER ismultiplied by actual days worked per week divided by normal workingdays per week: Employee A> 5 extra vacation days * 5 days worked per week / 5 working days perweek = 5 days Employee B> 5 extra vacation days * 2 days worked per week / 5 working days perweek = 2 days |