Purpose When posting payroll results to Accounting, the SAP system createsposting runs with one or more posting documents. Transfer these postingdocuments to Accounting after checking and releasing them. You can usethis program to check whether further processing for the postingdocuments was completed successfully. How these posting documents reach Accounting depends on the systemconstellation (see the "Activities" section). Status management forposting runs in the HR system can, therefore, only identify whether theposting documents were delivered correctly from the HR view. Iftechnical problems occur with the acceptance of the data in Accounting,status management for posting runs in the HR system does not report anyerror. For this reason, you must monitor the transfer of postingdocuments in every system constellation. Integration The program only supports those system constellations listed in the"Activities" section. Therefore, the program does not support scenariosin which posting data is transferred to the accounting system by TemSefiles. Prerequisites If you run Human Resources (HR) and Accounting (AC) in separate SAPsystems, the AC system must have a release status of 4.6C or above. Features Selection In the program's selection screen, specify the required run type(required entry) and the required posting runs (optional entry). Youcan also specify the transfer date from which the system should performthe document trace. We recommend that you start the program once perpayroll period. Selection option: "Exclude Company Codes" : If you send the HR posting data to different systems, use the filtercriteria "company code" in the ALE distribution model at the POSTmethod. If an ALE report is specified as the aim, this report cannotcontrol the successful transfer of documents to Accounting.For this aim (the company codes specified for this aim), the report willterminate with a communication error message. To avoid this error, youcan exclude these company codes from the check by selecting the"Exclude Company Codes" option. If no company code is specified for thisselection option, the check is executed for all company codes selectedfor the HR payroll documents sent. Output The program lists the transfer status of all posting documentscontained in the specified posting runs. Activities When you post payroll results, there are three typical systemconstellations in which various problems can occur when transferringposting documents. Therefore, the actions you can take to solve theseerrors also depend on the system constellation. Human Resources and Accounting are run in one SAP system. In this system constellation, Payroll> transfers the postingdocuments contained in one or more posting runs individually over theaccounting interfaces with transaction SM13 (Posting Requests>).It then sets the status of the posting runs to 50 (Document Posted >). In this system constellation, the program checks whether the system hascreated an accounting document for each posting document. If it reportsan error, perform the following steps to solve it: Check whether the posting of the posting documents was planned as a jobthat the system will process later. Check the processing status of the documents in transaction SM13. RESET N1 If you cannot solve the error in these ways, contact SAP Support.HR and Accounting are run in separate SAP systems and are linked byApplication Link Enabling (ALE). In this system constellation, Payroll> transfers anIDoc> for each postingdocument to the outboundprocessing> of the HR system and sets the status of the posting runsto 40 ( Transfer Documents>). From the outbound processing of theHR system, the IDocs enter theinbound processing> of theAccounting system and then transaction SM13 (Posting Requests>). In this system constellation, the program checks whether the AC systemhas created an accounting document for each posting document. If itreports an error, perform the following steps to solve it: Check whether the posting of the posting documents was planned as a jobthat the system will process later. Check the status of the IDocs in the outbound processing of the HRsystem. Check the status of the IDocs in the inbound processing of the ACsystem. Check the processing status of the documents in transaction SM13. RESET N1 If you cannot solve the error in these ways, contact SAP Support.HR is run in an ERP system and Accounting is run in SAP Business One.The systems are linked by the SAP Business Connector. In this system constellation, Payroll> transfers an IDoc for eachposting document to the SAPBusiness Connector> and sets the status of the posting runs to 40 ( Transfer Documents>). The SAP Business Connector creates an XMLfile with the posting data from each IDoc, collects these XML files inone file and sends this data to the SAP Business One system. In this system constellation, the program checks whether the system hascreated an XML file for each posting document. If it reports an error,perform the following steps to solve it: Check whether the posting of the posting documents was planned as a jobthat the system will process later. Check the status of the IDocs in the outbound processing of the HRsystem. Check the status of the IDocs in the inbound processing of the SAPBusiness Connector. If you cannot solve the error in these ways, contact SAP Support. |