Description Program used to extract payroll, info-types and (customizing) settingsdata regarding the monthly INPS declaration. The selection screen (in which the chosen period must cover a month)consists of: - a standard part for the selection of the employee(s) to be processed; - a data extraction part; - a correction files part. With this information the DAQ is executed, the data is processed and isprepared for output. You can specify and use a file to load corrections. In order to use acorrection file it is necessary to run the program, enter the PN(s) tobe processed and click on button "Activate correction file". Make surethe correction identifier is set correctly (for example on IMCR formonthly INPS corrections) and that correction status is set on 1. Atthis stage, select the correction file: by clicking on button "Viewfile" you can see the file content. Once you have made sure the file iscorrect, click on "Load file from PC": the correction file will thus beloaded in the system. Precondition Data was acquired through the DAQ (Data Acquisition Tool). Output After program run a log is displayed. Output options include the possibility to view an ALV list of theresults obtained. In this lista the sequence number determines the XMLfile generation output order. Button "Sums" can be useful to compare the results obtained with thoseof DM10: by pushing it you activate the sum calculation for all theemployees for all fields set as "amounts" in tableDefine fields and match them to DAQ fields>through field field type>. Button "Temse" activates the program for Temse catalogdisplay> in case a Temse file has been generated (check through button"Temse file writing" in program selection screen). Button "Generate XML" activates the possibility to select an output filefor XML. Already existing XML files are not overwritten; we recommendyou always attribute a name to each file you create. By running the INPS monthly program in batch mode you also obtain thelog and the sum calculation as a batch in output. |