Description Program used to extract payroll, info-types and (customizing) settingsdata regarding the monthly INPS declaration. Program allows the user to generate the EMens rettifica, occurring forseveral reasons, as for example the retroactive calculation or a changeof a different kind, even not due to retroactive calculation. he selection screen (in which the selected period must span through amonth) is composed of: - a standard part for the selection of the employee(s) to be processed; - a part for data extraction; - a part for adjustments; - a part for the previous month; - a part for additional data. This information is used to run the DAQ, then data is processed andprepared for the output. It is possible to specify and use a file to upload the corrections. In order to use a correction file it is necessary to run the program,enter the PRNR(s) to be processed and click on the button "Activatecorrection file". Make sure that the correction identifier is correctlyset (for correzione sia settato correttamente (per esempio su IMCR perle example on IMCR for corrections relative to the monthly INPS) andthat the correction status is set on 1. Now you can select thecorrection file: by clicking on the button "Display file" the systemshows the file content. Once checked the file is correct click on"Upload file from PC": in this way the system will upload the correctionfile. sistema. Precondition Data was collected through the DAQ (Data Acquisition Tool). Output After the program has been run a log is displayed. One of the output options allows an ALV list of the obtained results tobe displayed. In this list the sequence number defines the output orderto generate the XML file. Button "Sums" can be used to compare the obtained results with those conquelli del DM10: premendolo viene attivato il calcolo della somma of theDM10. By pushing it the program calculates the sums for all theemployees for all the fields which were set as "amounts" in tableDefine fields and assign them to DAQ fields>using the field field type>. Button "TemSE" activates the program to display theTemSE catalog> in case a file Temse has been generated (check usingbutton "TemSE file writing" in the selection screen of the program). Button "Generate XML" activates the option of selecting an output filefor XML. The system doesn't overwrite the already existing XML files;SAP recommends that a new name is assigned to each field created. By running the monthly INPS program in batch mode the log and additionscalculation is obtained as a batch in the output. |