Title P46 (Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report (RPCI46G0)>Purpose You use the P46 (Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report>(RPCI46G0) to prepare a company car archive (database) for reportingpurposes. The report creates entries in the table HR-GB: Archive forP46 (Car)-Forms >(T5G_P46ARV), which forms the basis of the cararchive. Report RPCI46G0 initialises the car archive and creates a car databasefor future reporting purposes. It creates a snapshot of your employee'scompany car data (a baseline) on the date you run the archiveinitialisation, which is used later by the P46 (Company Car) FormReport for Great Britain >(RPCP46G0). NOTE>>: You must run the Archive Initialisation Report before running theP46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain> (RPCP46G0). You run the P46 (Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report>(RPCI46G0) once only>, allowing you to subsequently run reportRPCP46G0 as and when required.Integration Report RPCI46G0 is run in conjunction with theP46(Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain>(RPCP46G0). See also, Prerequisites>, below.Prerequisites
- If you have previously created infotype >Company Cars GB
>>(0222) records, you must first carry out data migration frominfotype >Company Cars GB>> (0222) to infotype > Company Car >>(0442), before you run the archiveinitialisation report RPCI46G0.> This migration process is executed using report RPUMIGG0. For furtherdetails on this report, see Note 490007. Once you have completed this data migration, the earliest start date ofan infotype Company Car >(0442) record is April 6 2002. If youcreate an infotype Company Car >(0442) record with an earlier dateof first availability than the April 6 2002 after the initialisation ofthe archive, and before the first run of the P46(Company Car) FormReport for Great Britain> (RPCP46G0), then report RPCP46G0 will not beable to produce the required P46 (Car) forms.
- If you have not previously created infotype >Company Cars
GB >>(0222) records, you can immediately run the >P46(Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report>>.> NOTE>>: In a situation where you may have infotype Company Car >(0442)records with a start date earlier than April 6 2002, the P46(Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report> will create P46 (Car)forms for all these cars with the category 'New Car', irrespective ofthe actual reasons these P46 (Car) forms should contain. For company cars having a date of first availability later than April 62002, the required P46 (Car) forms will be created with a correctreason.
- You must also ensure your SAP system contains the relevant payroll
results for the employees for whom you wish to run the >P46(Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report>>. > This is because the P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain>that you will run later, requires payroll results to determinewhether or not the car needs to be reported. If an employee is earningbelow the current annual income threshold set for company car reporting,report RPCI46G0 will produce no> archive entry and RPCP46G0 willnot> produce a P46. This is why there has to be payroll results inplace when you run these reports. Both this report (and the P46 (Company Car) Form Report for GreatBritain>) require your SAP system to contain payroll results for yourselected employees back to the start date of each employee's infotypeCompany Car >(0442) record. You can achieve this by either running payroll back to the start date ofinfotype 0442 for each employee, or via a Data Take-On process. You can find more information on Data Take-On in the SAP ServiceMarketplace (http://www.service.sap.com/hrgb>), under MediaCenter> -> Literature>, in the document Data Take-On: A NewCode of Practice>.Features Selection> On the selection screen for the P46 (Company Car) ArchiveInitialisation Report> (RPCI46G0), you have the following options: [A] Enter the end date of the period in which all P46 (Car) formsare created and archived. > This date will be visible on each P46 (Car) form produced. The begindate of this period is always set to 6 April 2002 and cannot be changed. [B] Set the test run indicator> Choose this processing option if you would like to run this report intest mode without saving the produced P46 forms to the database(archive). Note>>: We recommend that you run the report in test mode until you are certainthat the report can be run sucessfully in productive mode.Output> The P46 Archive Initialisation Report creates P46 forms in the same wayas the P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain>(RPCP46G0), for all cars that were available on or after 6 April 2002.You must run the P46 Archive Initialisation Report even if there were nocars available at this time. This report stores all such cars in thearchive, but does not output P46 (Car) SAPScript forms. After running report RPCI46G0, the report output screen appears. Thisdisplays a statistical evaluation of the current run of the P46(Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report>. You can view thewarnings, information and error logs created during the current run byusing the following menu paths: Extras >-> Warning/Information List> Extras > -> Error List> Note>>: If any employees are rejected from the report run, then no P46 (Car)forms will be saved to the archive. In this situation, you must view theerror list, correct any existing errors and re-run the report.Example Two scenarios are given below, to further illustrate how the P46(Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report >(RPCI46G0) is run. Scenario 1> Your organisation implements SAP and goes live at the beginning ofQuarter 3 of the year in question. This scenario assumes that yourorganisation does not need to migrate data from former infotype 0222records and payroll results are included in your SAP system from thebeginning of Quarter 3. Scenario 1 process flow:> In Quarters 1 and 2 of the payroll year in question, you continued tomanually report employee company car information to the Inland Revenue.Beginning in Quarter 3, you instead wish to report this data using theP46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain> (RPCP46G0). Employee 1 takes possession of a company car on 20 May. A payrolladministrator creates an infotype 0442 record and the new car isreported to the Revenue manually by the end of Quarter 2. At the start of Quarter 3, in preparation for running report RPCP46G0,you run the P46 (Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report>. Youhave already ensured that payroll results exist in your SAP system foremployee 1 back to the start of his or her infotype 0442 record, thatis, 20 May. Running Report RPCI46G0 therefore creates your car database,containing only Employee 1 in this scenario, at this time. Note>>: The date on which you run the initialisation report must also be thedate up until which all relevant employee car data has already beenreported manually, or by your legacy system, to the Inland Revenue. On 25 July, employee 2 also takes possession of a new company car. Apayroll administrator creates an infotype 0442 record for this employeeat this time. At the end of Quarter 3, you run report RPCP46G0 for the first time. Thereport searches for any changes to the car archive since the date of thearchive initialisation. Therefore, a P46 form is produced for employee 2by report RPCP46G0, but not for employee 1, who was already reportedmanually at the end of Quarter 2, and whose data was already recorded inthe archive at initialisation. Note>>: A P46 would also be produced for employee 1 at the end of Q3 if: The employee begins to earn more than the annual reporting thresholdduring the course of Q3. You are in a Data Take-On situation and you did not have payroll resultsin your system back to the start date of infotype 0442 for employee 1. In this case, because of the missing payroll results, the P46 (CompanyCar) Form Report for Great Britain assumes that because only payrollresults exist from the start of Q3, the car must now be reported, whenin fact, it has already been reported manually at the end of Q2. RESET N1 Scenario 2> Your organisation reports company cars to the Inland Revenue manually upuntil the end of Q3 of the year in question. You are using an existingSAP implementation and payroll results exist in your SAP system for allemployees for whom you wish to report on. Scenario 2 process flow>: An employee receives her new company car on 20 May of the payroll yearin question, and receives a second replacement car on 10 October of thesame year. A payroll administrator creates infotype 0442 records for these cars,which are also reported manually to the Inland Revenue by the end of Q3.The SAP system makes appropriate entries for the two cars in the cararchive. From the beginning of Q4, your organisation decides to report companycars using the P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain>(RPCP46G0). You therefore run the P46 (Company Car) ArchiveInitialisation Report> at the start of Q4 to prepare your car archivefor later reporting. On 20 February of the same payroll year, the employee takes possessionof a third car. A payroll administrator creates a new infotype 0442record at this time for her third car, and delimits the previousinfotype 0442 record. At the end of Q4, you run report RPCP46G0 for the first time. The reportproduces one P46 form for the employee (for car 3), notifying the InlandRevenue of the change of car on 20 February. Note>>: Report RPCP46G0 reports only on any changes in car data for selectedemployees between the time of the car archive initialisation and thetime you run the report. In this case, the only change was on the 20February, for which one P46 was produced for the employee.See also The SAP Library for Payroll Great Britain> provides acomprehensive overview of company car administration in the SAP system.You can find the latest version of the SAP Library in the SAP HelpPortal at http://help.sap.com>. Choose the Documentation >option and mySAP ERP >and selectEnglish> as your language. You find the company car documentationin the SAP Library, under: SAP ERP Central Component > ->Human Resources> -> Payroll (PY)> -> Payroll GreatBritain (PY-GB) >-> Net >-> Company Cars>. The following documents in this section of the SAP Library referspecifically to the reporting functions offered in the Payroll GreatBritain solution for Company Cars:
- P46 (Company Car) Archive Initialisation Report (RPCI46G0)
- P46(Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain (RPCP46G0)
- Running the P46 (Company Car) Form Report for Great Britain