Description For the complete documentation of this program, please refer to SAP Noteno.792875. For sections remained unchanged comparing to previous years,instructions contained in SAP Note no. 456456 are still valid. Instructions for user exits for INPDAP relevant to CUD 2005 can be foundin SAP Note no. 813902. As opposed to 2004 the form presents the following changes or newfeatures: Part B: boxes 70-74 of CUD 2004 form are now boxes 71-75; as aconsequence, the codes> of the relevant table havebeen changed Part C, section 3: a new box has been added, box 55 (Bonus L.243/2004),and the relevant record (wage type) can be inserted in table V_T5ITW5 Part C, section 4: boxes 55-60 of CUD 2004 form are now boxes 56-61; asa consequence, fields wage items 58-61 and relevant records in tableV_T5ITW5 (choose: Section 4-SOLA)are identified with these numbers Part C, Section "INPDAP and IPOST social security and welfare data": box61 ("Body") is now box 107; new boxes 103-105 contain unsettledremuneration respectively for years 2002 , 2003 and 2004; new box 106contains the percentage of trade union leave These boxes are based onthe values of wage types, and you can valuate relevant records in tableV_T5ITW5, code number: 103-106. Notes: CUD 2005 form requires to identify each note through a particularcode; when the program generates a note (in the same way as in previousyears), it also provides the new special relevant code. For furtherinformation please see SAP Note 792875. New feature for boxes based on wage types values: you can assign a newvalue to field sum / last> of table V_T5ITW5.Precondition The following preconditions should be met in order to use the RPCFUDI0program for the calculation of the CUD 2005 form:
- The SAP system calculated the employees' pay for full year 2004 and the
results in (RI/B2/PC) clusters are consistent
- RI/B2/PC clusters were only changed for the payroll by the
RPCALCI0> program
- master data was changed only after having carried out the correspondent
payroll again (for example in the 0154, 0156 or 0160 info-types)
- if the SAP module for the management of time data (TM) is not used, in
order to use the RPCFUDI0 report, interfaces and user exits should beused
- Important: the INAB
> function should NOT be customized as the "company integration"percentage corresponds to 0 (when it should be 100%)-> section 3 of thesocial section of the form
- this program should be run using the same value date set in the RI(the
payroll result) cluster otherwise the error due to the rounding could besizeableIf the solution of the deferred month is used: the tax section of the CUD 2005 form is based upon the cash criterion;there is no problem if the deferred month is used; the social section of the CUD 2005 form is based upon the qualificationcriterion; in this case contributions generated during the deferredmonth should be connected to the previous month and not to the currentone; use only the passive wage types (the ones generated by programRPCALCI0> during the standard/non-deferred month inaccordance with the contributions due during that month) so that thecontributions and the period will always follow the qualificationcriterion.If the RPCFUDI0 program is used without the SAP TM (Time Management): The relevant boxes are filled in using a layout interface. Files to overwrite the calculation results: After the calculation of the value of each box for the employeespecified in the selection screen, the RPCFUDI0 program allowsoverwriting the value of the single boxes for some employees reading alayout file containing the new value, the employee specification and thebox to be changed. Bitmap files: The RPCFUDI0 program allows loading a bitmap file with the Euro mark onthe first page of the form and a bitmap file with the employer'ssignature on the second one. These files are supplied by SAP but theycan also be loaded by the user through the SE78 transaction for releasesfrom 4.6B on. The objects loaded and named (windows file ".bmp") can bethen called and entered into the relevant field of the CUD 2005 formselection screen. Output Features of the RPCFUDI0 program: This program allows processing the CUD 2005 form (personal details, taxand INPS/INPDAI parts of the social section). Moreover, it allows working at various 'levels of depth', for examplethe "company" one, the general one, or at 'deeper' levels, for examplethe ones related to the "INPS Code" or to the "Place of Work". For boxes 19, 20, 21 of section B of the form, data produced by payrollfunction ITCAF>are considered; adjustments and integrations are also supported if any.User exits For the user exits activation, see the relevant unit. Interface files The RPCFUDI0 program does not manage ALL possible situations that mayoccur for all the employees of each kind of company, therefore, in somecases the use of interfaces to change the output results is required. For the employees who went through company changes, three cases (andtheir relevant solutions) are contemplated: RESET N1 Rehiring by the same company: The keeping of the same CID is required There are not changes in the payroll As for the CUD calculation the date of this event is not relevant The procedure contemplates the same treatment applied in case thepayment of remuneration is suspended one or more times during the year;the output will contain the standard interruptions of the social and TFRsections of the CUD 2005 form; the CUD form refers to the whole period(year). The system supports this solution. Company change for collective activities: This may imply the disappearance of the old company and it is not currently supported by the system. Company change for individual activities: The creation of a new CID is required together with the use of the 0305info-type as "previous employer"; this operation can be done only at thebeginning of the month (first day of the month); moreover the use of the0031 info-type is also required following the time sequence of changes; The CUD procedure implies a different CUD form for each employee; itusually occurs that two employees have a CUD form for the old companyand another one for the new company (the old company is the previousemployer);in this case also, there will be interruptions in the socialand in the TFR sections; the CUD form only refers to the company period (ex: a CUD form fromJanuary to April for the old company and a CUD form from May to Decemberfor the new one). As there could be future changes concerning this subject, the reading ofthe note before carrying out changes is recommended. The system supports this solution. Background processing: The program can be run in background with a layout file through the SE38Transaction -> Menu -> Program -> Run -> Background. Calculation description: Note 792875 describes in detail the solution, paying particularattention to the parts changed comparing to the previous year. User exits The various user-exits (INPDAP) available for the CUD 2005 form aredescribed in notes 813902 and 792875. Reading of the documentation about the user-exits mentioned in the noteand the one concerning SMOD and CMOD transactions for the activation ofthe user-exits is recommended. In order to display the documentation relevant to the user-exits, callthe transaction (f.e. CMOD) and in the menu, Help-> Application help,bearing in mind that the technical name for these is EXIT_RPCHUDI0_XXX. Additional_hints Governmental instructions that should be supplied to the employee arenot included in the printout of this document as they are the same foreach employee. For changes in the SAPScript format see notes 202204 and 306219. Thename of the 2005 form is HR_IT_CUD_2005. Note 581935 containsinformation on loading of bitmap. CAF (Tax Support Centre) data: for the documentation about this sectionsee notes 350082 and 337931. For settings, see unit of note 792875 concerning this subject whichexplains in detail how to set the system into the various sections ofthe form (f.e. in the one related to the annual tax declaration or theend of service allowances) and instructs on how to set the sections thahave remained unchanged comparing to previous year.