Purpose In Release 4.6C, applicant documents managed in the generic objectservices are assigned to different object types.
- When you manage applicant documents in Recruitment> using
transactions Display Applicant Master Data> (PB20) andMaintain Applicant Master Data> (PB30), the SAP System assignsthem to the object type PAPL>.
- When you manage applicant documents in Manager's Desktop>, the
SAP System assigns them to object type APPLICANT>. In SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70> (SAP_HR 470) this assignment isstandardized. The SAP System assigns all documents you manage in thegeneric object services for applicants to the object type APPLICANT >. You must reassign documents you have already assigned if you want to beable to access them after upgrade from 4.6C to SAP R/3 EnterpriseCore 4.70>. Note> The changes do not not affect administration of applicant documents viathe SAP ArchiveLink> using transactions Display ApplicantMaster Data> (PB20) and Maintain Applicant Master Data> (PB30).Integration Prerequisites In Release 4.6C, you managed applicant documents in the generic objectservices using transactions Display Applicant Master Data> (PB20)and Maintain Applicant Master Data > (PB30). or via theManager's Desktop>. You have upgraded to SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70>.Features This report lets you change the assignment of applicant documents youmanage in the generic object services, from object type PAPL> toobject type APPLICANT>.Selection Recommendation> We recommend that you run the report in test mode first. There is nodatabase update when you do so. Set the Test Mode> indicator.Output The output list displays the following data:
- Number of incorrect entries found (object type PAPL>)
- Number of correctly converted entries
- Number of entries not converted
- Entries that cannot be converted are displayed in detail.
Activities Start the report in test mode first. Check the output list. If the SAP System displays data records that it could not convert,check for each entry whether the corresponding entry for object typeAPPLICANT> exists in table SRRELROLES (Object RelationshipService : Roles)>. If it is, you can ignore the error. If this is not the case, file a CSN message under component PA-RC >. Do not start the report in normal mode in this case. If the SAP System finds no errors or if you can ignore them asdescribed above, execute the report in normal mode. The SAP System performs the conversion.