Description This report creates the data medium for data medium exchange with theIGM trade union, a totals statement of trade union contributions, and,if desired, an individual statement for each personnel number. The payroll area and payroll period must be specified, as the reportevaluates/posts the payroll results. The report recognizes retroactiveaccounting automatically and creates a second data record, in case thetrade union contribution has changed retroactively. Precondition Employee selection only takes place if there are payroll results forthe current payroll period, and, if a trade union contribution wascalculated. The wage type used for selection can be entered in aparameter. Output The report creates the following lists/data media:
- If required: individual statement. All the personnel numbers for each
for-period are printed/displayed in the individual statement. If, forexample, a trade union contribution changes retroactively, this can bechecked in this list.
- Always: statement of totals. In the statement of totals, there is a
list of all trade union contributions for each administration/companynumber and for each part of the company. The total transfer ofcontributions generally takes place for each administration/companynumber.
- Always: data medium, A sequential dataset is created in the TemSe under
the name of HR_CGEWD1_nnnnnnnnnn, where nnnnnnnnnn is a sequentialnumber. This dataset can be copied to disk using the RPUTSVDD report.The file created in this way is used for the data medium exchange withthe IGM trade union.