SAP Program RPCFINE0 - Company certificate

This program allows the generation of a Company Certificate foremployees that leave the company and simulates the terminationstatement. The Company Certificate is necessary to be entitled to theunemployment benefit (and basically determines the amount of thisbenefit). For instance, when the work relationship between the employeeand the company is terminated, the employee must receive the terminationstatement together with the Company Certificate. The Company Certificatemust state the contribution bases and the last 180 days that qualify forsocial insurance coverage, as well as the number of leave days not takenthat have been paid to the employee in the severance payment.

Payroll results:
If you select the option "Only stored results", field s_resu, thepayroll results of the selected employees must be calculated and storedin the cluster.
Define check date for the issue of Company Certificate:
The program uses the code "EA", Issue EE Co. Cert., as a date type ininfotype 0041, Date Specifications, used to check the past limit datefor the issue of the Company Certificate of an employee.
If you wish to use the issue of Company Certificate control by the datetype "EA", you must define the date type using the view V_T548Y. If thisdate type has not been defined for the employee. The program will use bydefault the time window of past 180 days.
Form definition:
The standard system offers the form HR_ES_CERT_EMP00, CompanyCertificate, developed with Sapscript technology. The program will usethis form by default. However, the customer can always choose to adaptand use his own forms. To do so, the "Form Management" (V_T5EP1) viewshould be maintained appropriately with form type (V_T5EP1-CLASS) "FINQ"and template type (V_T5EP1-FNAME) "0001".

To select the employees the program uses the Logical Database PNP, HRMaster Data, according to the criteria shown on the selection screen.

The output is a log that contains an overview of the program process andfrom which you can access the following information:
Statistics: Information on the total number of processed, successfullyprocessed and rejected employees.
Process: Relevant data for the process.
Rejected employees: You can display which employee numbers have beenrejected and the reason for rejection.
Successfully processed employees: List of the employee numbers that havebeen processed successfully.
Pushbutton Display Payroll Log: Click this pushbutton, on the top leftpart of the log frame, to access the simulated payroll.
Pushbutton Display Co. certificate: Click this pushbutton, on the topleft part of the log frame, to expand the generated form(s).

1599415SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-3
1314110ES28.8: Wrong information in the call of BAdI in RPCFINE0
1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1476994Company Certificate is displaying the wrong prof. category
1457905Company Certificate - Non Enjoyed Vacations correction
1455964Company Certificate - Layout Corrections IV
452736CONSULT.: Configuración de interpretaciones legales
1427765Company Certificates are being wrongly generated
1408854Company Certificate - Layout Corrections III
1254571CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas Version 2
1406208Company Certificate - Layout Corrections II
1361624Problems during payroll simulation on Company Certificate
1344365ES28.10: Incorrect printed message on Company Certificate
1021657CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas
1331104ES28.9: Change the Company Certificate form name for ERE
1291472ES28.6: Wrong information in the call of BAdI in RPCFINE0
1155485ES27.9: Wrong data retrieval from Infotype 41
1132460ES27.6: Missing category's text in report RPCFINE0
1036843CONSULT.: Redefinition of situation BCERT
881854HR SP ES26: Cert. Empresa, Cambio 03
896389HR SP ES26: Cert. Empresa, Cambio 04
918408HR SP ES26: Cert. Empresa, Cambio 05
927329HR SP ES26: Cert. Empresa, Change 06
754907CONSULT.: Certificado de Empresa