Title Reporting of tax and employers contribution (terminrapporten) Purpose "Terminrapporten" is a legal report for reporting tax and employer'scontribution throughout the year in periods of two months. Additionaly,it also reports eventual "kakseskatt" in the 6th termin. Integration This report will replace the two reports - 2-month report - part 1: extract data for arbeidsgiversforskuddsskatt (RPCTRMV0) and - 2-month report - part 2: Build up arbeidsgivers forskuddsskatt(RCTRMV1) The reporting numbers used in "terminrapporten" must be identical tothose used in annual tax reporting. See IMG chapter "Reportingemployer's contribution and taxation (terminrapporten)" in theNorwegian IMG. Prerequisites Customize your system according to the new table structure. You willfind the customizing actions under the following two chapters of theNorwegian IMG: - Basic Settings -> Maintain organisational structure and - Reporting employer's contribution and taxation (terminrapporten) Features Selection The selection differs sharply between test runs and a productive run: 1. Test run: You can use the PNP selection screen as usual. The reportwill select after the PNP elements you have selected. 2. Productive run: The report selects solemly after the reportingorganisational number entered on the selection screen on a payrollresult level. This means that all employees in the system are selectedin the first place, and that the fine selection is done after readingthe payroll cluster. This is the best guarantee for getting allpayments connected to the selected reporting number on the report(within the current termin). Standard_variants Typically, you will have one variant for each reporting number (forproductive runs). Output First of all, the report produces a TemSEefile for delivery to theauthorities. This file can be viewed in the temse administration, andis called "HR_CERCV0_...". The file can be transferred using report"File transfer between TemSe and disk" (RPLTEMV0). Additionally, these lists are made to analyse the data: - An overview list of the created TemSe file is created - An error list, - A list on employees with differences in posted ERC and payable ERC - A list of municipalities with a negative cumulated tax sum - A list of employees with "kakseskatt" - A list with the payable amounts per employee zone |