e-Filing for Great Britain: Report RPCEFIG0 Purpose Report RPCEFIG0 produces a listing of all retrieved incoming forms in aPDF format. This report is not normally called directly in your R/3 system, fore-Filing Incoming processing. Instead, SAP recommends that you call thisreport directly in the Update Manager> (TransactionHREFI_UPDATE>), using the Reporting >tab strip.See also
- The SAP Library for e-Filing Great Britain (Planned Availability:
End of 2004)> Even if you have not installed the SAP Library CD, you can access theSAP Library from the SAP Help Portal, at http://help.sap.com>.From this link page, choose the menu item Documentation >and fromthe next screen, the menu item mySAP ERP>. Select English>as your language and the SAP Library is opened for you. To access the e-Filing Great Britain section of the SAP Library, choose:SAP ERP Central Component >-> Human Resources> ->Personnel Management (PA)> -> Personnel Administration (PA-PA) > -> Country-Specific Aspects of Personnel Administration> ->e-Filing for Great Britain>.
- The e-Filing Incoming Implementation and User Guide> contains
further information on the Update Manager>, and provides acomprehensive overview of the complete e-Filing incoming process. You can download the latest version of this document from the SAPService Marketplace (http://service.sap.com/hrgb>), under:Media Center >-> e-Filing >-> e-Filing Incoming:Implementation and User Guide>.