Purpose In Japan, companies are legally required to provide the statutory reportregarding income tax to employees and submit it to the tax authorities.This indicates the payments that the company has paid. This report generates the following tax statements based on year-endadjustment (YEA) results.
- Withholding Tax Statement for employment income - for employees and the
tax authority
- Salary Income Information Return - for salary income earners and for the
municipal officesPrerequisites You need to complete the year-end adjustments before executing thisreport. Selection In the Employee Selection> tab, you can choose the employees to beprocessed.
- Employees with Normal YEA>
If you select this option, the report processes employees who have ayear-end adjustment result during a processing year.
- Employees with YEA and termination>
If you select this option, the report processes employees who meet anyof the following criteria. Employees who did not leave the company and have YEA results during aprocessing year Employees who left the company during the period specified in'Retirement date' and have YEA results during a processing year.
- Employees with Termination>
If you select this option, the report processes employees who left thecompany during the period specified in 'Retirement date' and have YEAresults during a processing year. In the Output Selection> tab, you can choose the type ofstatements and the type of output medium.
- If you select Withholding tax statement>, the report produces the
Withholding Tax Statement for Employment Income> form.
- If you select Pay slip>, the report produces the Salary Income
Information Return> for salary income Earner.
- If your company is approved to submit tax statement information in a
data file, you can choose the Data Medium> option. In the File Output> tab, you can choose the type of data exportmedium according to its filesize. You can also specify the outputdestination of data files. The selection in this tab is valid only whenyou choose Data Medium> output in the Output Selection> tab.
- In the SAP Script> tab, you can choose either
Use> or Not use> for SAP Script. If you select Use>, you can specifythe name of your own SAP Script in which you customize output positions.If you select Not use>, the report shows the data according to thepositions specified in the program. The selection in this tab is validonly when you choose Printout in the Output Selection> tab.
- The report sorts the statements according to the following order:
Withholding Tax Statement Necessity of Submission to Tax Office>,Organizational Unit and personnel number. The report determines thenecessity of submission to the tax office as follows: If the employee is a YEA applicable employee, the report determines thatthe submission to the tax office is necessary when the employee'spayment amount exceeds JPY 5,000,000. If the employee is a YEA non-applicable employees, the report determinesthat the submission to the tax office is necessary when the employee isa Kou-ran applied employee whose payment amount exceeds 2,500,000 JPY.When the employee is other than a Kou-ran applied employees, the reportdetermines it as necessary if the payment amount exceeds JPY 500,000. Salary Income Information Return is sorted by municipality code andpersonnel number.Output This report refers to the layout of Chiho MC-3> forcontinuous-form papers and single sheets offered by Nihon Hourei.Activities Enter the Target year for which the form is to be created. In Employee Selection,> you specify the employees to be processed. In Output Selection>, you specify the type of statements and thetype of output medium. If you specify data medium output in Output selection>, youspecify the type of data medium and its size in the File Output>tab. You also need to specify an output destination option. If youchoose the application server as an output destination, you also need tospecify the File output path (on server). If you want to save the outputdata file directly to a local PC or TemSe, then you do not need tospecify the File output path (on server). If you specify printout in the Output selection>, you specifywhether you use SAP Script or not for the output. You also need tospecify the SAP script name that you use. Execute the report. If you choose Printout in the Output Selection tab, you print out thedata to prescribed paper types and sizes. If you choose Data Medium> in the Output Selection> tab, yousave the data to appropriate media. If you select application server as the output destination and youselected File output path (on server), then the output file(s) werealready saved in the directory in the application server you specified.Use an appropriate software tool to retrieve and save the output datafile(s) to appropriate media. If you want to save output file(s) to a local PC, then output file(s)were already saved in the directory in the local PC that you specified.Save the output file to appropriate media. If you select TemSe as the output destination then you can download thefile with the utility report List of HR TemSe Objects (RPUTSV00)>or Download HR TemSe Object (RPUTSVJ0)>.