Description This report is used to support checks, in accordance with theContribution Collection Regulation (BUEVO). To check selected cases using actual data, the report selects personnelnumbers that belong to the Case groups> specified in BUEVO. Theoutput list contains the personnel numbers found, as well as asubdivision of the cases, these personnel numbers should be assigned toduring a certain payroll period. The report examines the periods limited by the evaluation startperiod> and Evaluation end period>. However, only those payrollresults, whose 'In-periods' are greater than or equal to the enteredperiod, are evaluated. This means that even with a later 'end period'only payroll results in the payroll period are evaluated. The resultsof the evaluation have to be interpreted from the view of the enteredpayroll period.Case groups supported: Employees exempt from insurance Criterium: SI-KVKZ1 = 0 or 5. Employees exempt from contributions in accordance with the EmploymentPromotion Act Criterium: SI-ALVKZ = 0 Employees exempt from insurance in pension insurance Criterium: SV-RVKZ1 = 0 or 5. Temporary employees Criterium: selection according to person subgroup/group (user entry) Employees, who receive a pension due to permanent incapacity to work,or retirement pension Criterium: DUV-REANT = EW or AR (default values, overridable) Employees, for whom only the employer share is to be paid for pensioninsurance or to the Federal Employment Office. Criterium: SV-RVKZ1 = 3 or SV-RVKZ1 = 4 or SV-AVKZ1 = 2 Certain professional groups Criterium: position from WPBP-STELL (user entry) alternative: activity key from DUV-DUETA Individual wage types Criterium: RT contains wage type (user entry) Non-recurring payments, assigned to the previous year Criterium: RT contains LGA /333 /334 /334 or /3PG (defualt values,overridable) Cases in which only the employer pays the contributions. Criterium: SI attribute '08' or'24'. User entries are compulsory for case groups 4, 7, and 8. |