Description For a complete documentation concerning this report see note 365736. Precondition In order to use report RPCDUDI0 for the calculation of CUD 2001 it isnecessary to meet the following preliminary requirements:
- payroll accounting for the whole year 2000 must have been carried out
through SAP system with consistent results in the clusters (RI/B2/PC);
- clusters RI/B2/PC have not been changed, except in payroll accounting,
through report RPCALCI0;
- no master data have been changed without carrying out the corresponding
payroll accounting again (for example in infotypes 0154, 0156 or 0160);
- if you are not using SAP module for time data management (TM) it is
necessary to employ the interfaces and user exits in order to usereport RPCDUDI0;
- it is important that function INAB has NOT been customized, so that the
"Company integration" percentage is = 0 (when it should be 100%) ->section 3 of the Social Security section of the form;
- this report is started by using the same currency determined in cluster
RI (calculation results); if this is not the case a bad error due torounding may arise;
- the ministerial regulations employees should receive are not included
in the print of this report, as they are the same for each employee.In case the deferred month solution is used: a cash basis is used in the tax-related part of CUD2001; there are noproblems if you use the deferred month; a basis of period is used in the social security related section ofCUD2001; in this case the contributions generated in the deferred monthshould be compared to the previous month, and not the current month; only use passive wage types (the ones generated through report RPCALCI0during the ordinary/not deferred month in accordance with thecontributions due for that month); in this way the contributions andthe period will always use a basis of period. In case you use report RPCDUDI0 connected to non standard TM form:
- report RPCDUDI0 needs results from TM (precisely: from table ZL in
cluster B2) in order to carry out calculations in section 3 of thesocial security part; anyway, it is possible to use this report with anexternal TM procedure; note 365736 explains how to operate in detail.File for overwriting calculation results:
- After determining the value of each box for the employee indicated in
the initial selection screen, report RPCDUDI0 gives you the opportunityof overwriting the value of each box for specific employees by readinga file containing the new value and indicating the employee and the boxyou have to change; note 365736 explains in detail how to operate.Output Report RPCDUDI0 functionality: This report enables you to process form CUD2001 (anagraphical andtax-related sections and INPS/INPDAI section of social security part). Moreover, it enables you to operate at different 'depth levels', forexample at "company" level or at 'deeper' levels, for example at"Social Security indicator" or "workplace" level. In the anagraphical section you can activate the various possibilitiesthrough pushbutton 'Display selections' in the selection screen. Three checkboxes enable you to choose among the various sections of theform (for output in list form); this output type allows you to displayall calculation results. The possible lists are 4: Anagraphical list: it contains company and employee data; Tax list: it contains tax-related data (CUD tax-related sections); Social security list: it contains INPS/INPDAI data; Notes: this list only appears if you require to generate a note for theresults of social security or tax calculation. In case the three boxes are not managed (they are empty) the outputformat is SapScript. For modifications of SapScript format see notes 202204 and 306219. For the activation of the user exits see the related chapter. Interfaces: report RPCDUDI0 cannot manage all the possible situationswhich may arise for each employee of each kind of company, for thisreason, in some cases, it is necessary to use interfaces in order tochange output results. There are three cases (and corresponding solutions) for employees whochanged company: RESET N1 Rehiring in the same company: You are required to keep the same Personnel Number. There are no changes in payroll accounting. The date of this event is not relevant for CUD calculation. This procedure involves the same treatment used in case of remunerationpayment suspension once or more than once during the year; the outputcontains the usual fractions of the social security and SeveranceIndemnity sections of form CUD2001. CUD refers to the whole period(year). The system supports this solution. Company change due to collective operations: Maybe the old company does not appear any longer. At the moment it is not supported by the system. Company change due to individual operations: You are required to create a new Personnel Number and use infotype 0305as "previous employer"; such operation can be carried out only at thebeginning of the month (on the first day of each month); moreover, itis necessary to use infotype 0031 and follow the time sequence ofmodifications. The procedure for CUD implies a different CUD form for each employee;it usually occurs that two employees have one CUD form for the oldcompany and one for the new one (the old company is the previousemployer). Even in this case there are fractions in the social securityand Severance Indemnity section. CUD refers only to the company period (example: one CUD for the oldcompany, January-April, and one for the new company, May-December). As there may soon be variations regarding this point, it is advisableto read the note before the modification is carried out. The system supports this solution. CAF related data: for the documentation concerning this section seenotes 350082 and 337931. Required customizing: As regards customizing, see the chapter of note 365736 concerning thisargument, in which you can find detailed explanations about how tocustomize the system in the various sections of CUD2001 (for instancein the section about settlement or Severance Indemnity related data). Description of calculation: This note describes in detail how CUD2001 is calculated in the variousform sections, especially:
- in the anagraphical section;
- in the tax-related section:
income related data; further data for filling in the tax return; expenses for which tax deduction is due; expenses which were not included in the taxable income; data concerning settlements; deficit during settlement;