Description Data Medium Exchange Preliminary Program (USA, Concurrent Employment) Use Using the Data Medium Exchange (DME) Preliminary Program>(RPCDTCU0), you can extract a catalog of payment data from your payrollresults, especially from table BT_PERSON, which contains paymentinformation. The payment data thus extracted is used by the paymentmedium programs in Financial Accounting (FI) to create the paymentmediums. You may also execute the DME Preliminary Program if you want to runpayroll within one pay period for two or more payment runs at differenttimes (qualified advance payment).Integration The payment data extracted by the DME Preliminary Program undergoessubsequent processing in the following programs:
- Payment Medium USA - Transfers/Bank Direct Debits in ACH Format>
- International Payment Medium - Check (with Check Management)>
- Payment Medium International - Zero Balance Notice> (RFFOAVIS)
To run these subsequent programs, you must indicate two parametersgenerated by the DME Preliminary Program, namely program run date >, i.e. the date of the bank transfer, and identification feature >, i.e. the time of the bank transfer, where the last digit of thattime (e.g. 10:07:30) must be replaced with a P> (to render10073P>). These entries are required to identify the payment dataextracted by the DME Preliminary Program. During processing, the DME Preliminary Program calls the programRemuneration Statements> (RPCEDTU0) for every payroll result tocreate the corresponding remuneration statements. With reference to thepayment method selected, but irrespective of the parameters entered onthe selection screen, the remuneration statement is issued by theprogram directly or forwarded for payment (as a payment advice notice)to the appropriate payment medium program. The DME Preliminary Program accesses the value defined infeature DTAKT>(Sender account number for data medium exchange). The DME Preliminary Program also accesses the definition offeature ADDRS>(Set subtype sequence for address formatting). As delivered, thestandard system reads the address of the employee from the lowestsubtype of Infotype 0006 (Addresses>), usually subtype 1 ( Permanent residence>). By modifying the value defined in featureADDRS, you can prompt the system to read other subtypes of Infotype0006. Feature ADDRS is evaluated by the DME Preliminary Program usingall fields from Infotype 0001 (Organizational Assignment>),program class CDTA and the payment method of the entry in tableBT_PERSON that has just been evaluated. If new or changed bank details exist, you may execute the programPrenotification> (RPCDTEU0) to perform test bank transfers, or"prenotifications." The DME Preliminary Program evaluates these testtransfers and changes the payment method, if necessary, to check >. If zero-net checks are to be issued and printed together with the otherissued checks and advice notices, thenfunction P9ZNC>must be used in the payroll schema. If the wages of an employee arenormally received via bank transfer and the payment amount in thisperiod is equal to zero, then the employee will only receive an advicenote. This advice note can be created with the program PaymentMedium International - Zero Balance Notice> (RFFOAVIS) on the basisof the payment data extracted by the DME Preliminary Program.Features For each current original payroll result of the selected employees, theDME Preliminary Program reads the payment information from thecorresponding payment information table BT_PERSON. For each entry in table BT_PERSON, the following steps are carried out. The system checks whether a test transfer ("prenotification") has beenperformed for the given bank details. In the following cases, a banktransfer will be changed into a payment by check. No test transfer has been performed. The test transfer has determined that the bank details are invalid. The test transfer is not yet more than ten days old. Information on the payment recipient is determined: by the entry in table BT_PERSON by the Payee Keys> table (T521B), if the entry in table BT_PERSONcontains the payee key by Infotype 0002 (Personal Data>) and Infotype 0006 (Addresses>), if the entry in table BT_PERSON contains no payeekey and no information on the payee The company code that is paying, the house bank and the house bankhouse bank account are determined via feature DTAKT (Sender accountnumber for data medium exchange). Data is present in the note to payee> field. If the note to payee> field in table BT_PERSON contains data,then that data will be imported into the note to payee> field inthe DME Preliminary Program. If the note to payee> field in table BT_PERSON contains no data,then the text Wage/salary> (or, for pensioners, Pension amt. >) will be used, along with the personnel number and payroll period The currency of the payment is determined. If the corresponding entry in table BT_PERSON indicates a currency,then this currency will be used for the payment. If the corresponding entry in table BT_PERSON does not indicate acurrency, then the system will use the currency indicated in tableVERSC of the payroll result. The bank numbers of the house bank and the recipient's bank are readfrom the Bank master record> table (BNKA). The payment data created for each employee is checked. If an erroneouspayment exists for a certain employee, then no payments will be made tothis employee.Selection Under the Additional data> section of the DME Preliminary Programselection screen, the following selection parameters are found.
- Special run
Using this parameter, you may select payroll results from non-periodicpayroll runs (using exact days).
- Wage type
With this parameter, you may limit a payment run to certain wage types,for example, to perform several payment runs per pay period.
- Payment method
Normally, no entry need be made in the Payment method> field.Separations by payment method can be undertaken at a later time in thepayment medium program. If your enterprise has performed test transfers (prenotifications),then you may not make entries in this field. Otherwise payments, undercertain circumstances, may not be processed. If your enterprise forwards remuneration statements for use as advicenotes, then you also may not make entries in this field. Otherwise,under certain circumstances, too many advice notes will be produced, ornone at all.
- Test
If the Test> checkbox is active, then no payment data is written.Nor is data changed within the payroll result. The payments to beperformed are displayed. If the Test> checkbox is not active, then payment data is writtenfor evaluation by the payment medium programs. A list of the erroneousbank transfers is issued, featuring a description of the cause of theerror.
- Set flag for transfers
If the Set flag for transfers> checkbox is active, the date andtime of every processed entry within table BT_PERSON is written torecord (for later payment runs) which entries in table BT_PERSON havealready been processed. This prevents payments that have already beenprocessed from being selected and processed anew in a subsequent run ofthe DME Preliminary Program. If payroll is run again followingexecution of the DME Preliminary Program, the entries that are labeledwith dates and times will not be overwritten. Instead, a difference runwill be per performed. Therefore, if a qualified advance paymentexists, then the> Set flag for transfers> checkbox mustalways be selected>.
- Repeat run: Date and Time
You only need to make an entry in this field if you would like torepeat a DME Preliminary Program run in which the Set flag fortransfers> checkbox was active. If you make an entry in this field,then the system will not only select the records in table BT_PERSONthat have not yet been marked, but also the records whose transfer dateand time matches the entries in the fields Repeat run: Date> andRepeat run: Time>. Consequently, if you would like to repeat aDME Preliminary Program run (for example, because of a programtermination), then enter the date and time of the original program runin this field.
- Flagged records only
This checkbox is only relevant if a program run is to be repeated. Ifthe Flagged records only> checkbox is active, then the systemwill only select those records whose transfer date and time match theentries specified in the Repeat run: Date> and Repeat run:Time> fields. Records that have not been transferred yet will not beselected.
- Payslip on paym. adv. note
The remuneration statement of the employee can be forwarded to theappropriate payment medium program as an advice note. If the Payslip on paym. adv. note> checkbox is active, theremuneration statement, depending upon the payment method selected,will be issued as follows: If an employee receives one or more payments by check, the remunerationstatement of the employee is printed on all checks. This is also thecase for zero-net checks. If, additionally, the employee receives otherpayments, e.g. by transfer, then the remuneration statement will not beissued as an advice note for these payments. To issue the remunerationstatement on the check, the system will use the form that you haveentered in the Payroll form for check> field. If an employee receives one or more payments by bank transfer and nopayments by check, the remuneration statement will be forwarded to thepayment medium program as an advice note for one of these transfers,then issued in that program. To issue the remuneration statement, thesystem will use the form that you have entered in the Payroll formfor advice> field. If an employee receives no payments and if function P9ZNC does notcause the system to issue a cancelled check or advice note with aremuneration statement to the employee, then the remuneration statementwill be issued directly from the DME Preliminary Program. To issue theremuneration statement, the system will use the form that you haveentered in the Payroll form> field. If the Payslip on paym. adv. note> checkbox is not active, theremuneration statement, depending upon the payment method selected,will be issued as follows: If an employee receives one or more payments by check, the remunerationstatement of the employee is printed on all checks. To issue theremuneration statement on the check, the system will use the form thatyou have entered in the Payroll form for check> field. If an employee receives one or more payments by bank transfer and nopayments by check, then the remuneration statement will be issueddirectly from the DME Preliminary Program. To issue the remunerationstatement, the system will use the form that you have entered in thePayroll form> field. If an employee receives no payments, then the remuneration statementwill be issued directly from the DME Preliminary Program. To issue theremuneration statement, the system will use the form that you haveentered in the Payroll form> field.Output The DME Preliminary Program extracts payment data (tables REGUV, REGUH,REGUP) that undergoes subsequent processing in the payment mediumprograms.