Title Preliminary DME Program for Separate Payment Run Purpose This program is used for the purpose of making advance payments. Theprogram is specific to Canadian customers and is functionally related tothe preliminary international DME program for separatepayment run>. Like its international equivalent, this Canadian programevaluates the following three infotypes to process these payments.
- External Bank Transfers> (0011)
- Recurring Payments/Deductions> (0014)
- Additional Payments> (0015)
You can store wage types for advance payments in these infotypes. If yourestrict a payment run of the program to certain wage types, the systemonly evaluates the infotypes that contain the wage types specified. The program generates payment data, which is further processed by thedata medium programs in mySAP Financials> when making advancepayments.Note Make sure that you schedule the advance payment from master data in yourorganizational processes and make the advance payment before runningpayroll. Integration The Canadian-specific payment medium programs in mySAP Financialscontinue to process the payment data to create payment mediums - forexample, DME files for the bank, or corresponding cheques. You muststart the relevant payment medium program after the DataMedium Exchange Preliminary Program> has evaluated the infotypesmentioned and created the payment data.Prerequisites
- You are using the wage types that you have stored in the infotypes
mentioned above to create advance payments for advance payments only andyou always pay these wage types using the advance payment from masterdata.
- You have set up these wage types in Customizing for Payroll Canada
> (PY-CA) in a manner such that Payroll can treat them as alreadypaid>.
- You have not yet run payroll for the period in which you wish to make
the advance payment.
- After making the advance payment, you start payroll at least one more
time so that the wage type amounts that you have used for the advancepayment can be included in the payroll results as already paid>.Features
- The system reviews information on the payment recipient for the
External Bank Transfers> infotype (0011), either using therecipient data stored in the infotype or using the Recipient key>table (T521B).
- The system reviews information on the payment recipient for the
infotypes Recurring Payments and Deductions> (0014) and Additional Payments> (0015) using the Bank Details> (0009)infotype. The system uses the main bank details stored in the lastinfotype record whose start date is before or within the specifiedpayroll period. The system uses the address data from the infotypesPersonal Data> (0002) and Addresses> (0006) displayed in theBank Details> (0009) infotype. If you have manually overwrittenaddress data in the Bank Details> (0009) infotype, the system usesthe changed address.
- The system evaluates the infotypes External Bank Transfers>
(0011), Recurring Payments/Deductions> (0014) and AdditionalPayments> (0015) and creates the payment data.
- The system selects the evaluated infotype records with the end date of
the payroll period that you specify on the selection screen. Whenspecifying this payroll period, please keep the following points inmind.External Bank Transfers infotype (0011) In this infotype, you can store periodic payments and specify a paymentrecipient. We recommend that you select the Set flag for transfers> checkboxon the selection screen of the program prior to execution. Then, for themaster data advance payment, the system selects the infotype with theend date of the payroll period you enter on the selection screen. As itdoes this, any existing selection is overwritten. Therefore, if a periodic payment stored in the External BankTransfers> infotype (0011) is executed for the next period, the systemoverwrites the selection for the previous period. The infotype is notautomatically delimited. During payroll, the system writes payments that you store in theExternal Transfers> infotype (0011) to the Payment Information > table (basis table) for the payroll result. If a payment has already been made as a master data advance payment, thesystem transfers the infotype selection in the Payment Information > table (basis table), so that the Data MediumExchange Preliminary Program> no longer takes this payment intoaccount. If a payment was not executed as a master data advance payment, thecorresponding entry in the Payment Information> table (basistable) remains unselected.Note If you pay wage types from the External Bank Transfers> infotype(0011) as a master data advance payment, you must always> pay themas a master data advance payment. If you were to pay the same wage typesalternately as a master data advance payment and as a wage and salarypayment, problems could arise.Recurring Payments/Deductions infotype (0014) In this infotype, you can store periodic payments. We recommend that you select the Set flag for transfers> checkboxon the selection screen of the program prior to execution. For themaster data advance payment, the system then selects the infotype withthe end date of the payroll period that you enter on the selectionscreen. As it does this, any existing selections are overwritten. When a period payment stored in the Recurring Payments andDeductions> infotype (0014) is executed for the next period, thesystem overwrites the selection for the previous period. The infotpye isnot automatically delimited. The system then contains no moreinformation about whether the payment was executed for the previousperiod. During payroll, the system does not> write payments that you storein the Recurring Payments> infotype (0014) to the Paymentinformation> table (basis table) for the payroll result, and doesnot> check whether master data advance payments have been executedfor the current period. If master data advance payments are not executedin a payroll period, the wage types that you store in the RecurringPayments and Deductions> infotype (0014) are still deducted from theamount to be paid out. This would result in an amount being paid outthat is too low.Additional Payments infotype (0015) In this infotype, you can store one-off payments. If you want to storeseveral payments in the Additional Payments> infotype (0015), youmust create a separate infotype record for each one. We recommend that you select the Set flag for transfers> checkboxon the selection screen of the program prior to execution. For masterdata advance payments, the system then selects the appropriate infotyperecords with the end date of the payroll period that you enter on theselection screen. Therefore, information on every payment executed ispresent in the system. During payroll, the system does not> write payments that you storein the Additional Payments> infotype (0015) to the PaymentInformation> table (basis table), and does not> check whetherthe master data advance payment was executed for the current period. Ifthe master data advance payment is not executed in a period, the wagetypes that you store in the Additional Payments> infotype (0015)are still subtracted from the amount to be paid out. In that case,therefore, an amount would be calculated that is too low.Note Regardless of the infotype, infotype records that the program hasselected cannot be changed in retrospect. Selection The following summary describes the most important parameters of theselection screen. Wage Type> In these fields, you enter all wage types for which you want the systemto generate an advance payment. If you restrict the payment run of theprogram to certain wage types, the system only evaluates those infotypesthat contain the selected wage types. You must enter at least one wagetype. Set Flag for Transfers> We recommend that you always select this checkbox, which is active bydefault. If this checkbox is selected when the program is run, then thesystem, when executing master data advance payments, selects theappropriate infotype records with the end date of the payroll periodthat you enter on the selection screen. In this way the system candetermine in future payment runs which infotype records have alreadybeen evaluated. This means that you can avoid unintentional duplicateevaluations. Repeat> If you select this checkbox, which is not active by default, then theprogram also evaluates the infotype records that have already beenselected. You should therefore only select this checkbox in the eventthat you need to repeat a payment run - for example, if an earlierexecution of the program led to a short dump.Output The program generates a payment run that contains payment data. You can uniquely identify each payment run by the combination of programrun date and identification feature. The identification feature isgenerated from the six-digit system time at which you started theprogram. For the identification feature, the system replaces the lastdigit of the system time with a P>.Example Suppose you started the program on April 14, 2006 at 09:25:12. You canuniquely identify the payment run generated by the combination ofprogram run date (14.04.2006>>) and identification feature (