Description Country version for Spain. Report RPCDTAE0 allows you to generate a data set based on payrollprocess transfers which is used as input for the payment method RFFOES_T(Spain) print output program. The initial data material for RPCDTAE0consists of PCL2 data, in particular the transfers table BT. The program can also be used by customers who have two or more paymentruns on different days for each payroll period. If you select the 'Register transfers' parameter for each transfer made,the transfer time will be copied to transfer table BT in the PCL2 database (the date and time are set at the start of the payment run). Inthis way, in subsequent transfer processes it will be possible to knowwhich BT entries have already been transferred. You can also separatepayment runs by entering wage types. For example, you can transfer'salary with advance payment' to the rest of the transfers. The payment methods in T042Z are permitted. The report performs the following steps for each transfer: 1) Reads the currency key from table T001. 2) Payee key conversion using table T521B. 3) Reads the text key for the record C DTA. 4) Use DTAKT (transaction PE03) to determine the details of the sendingbank and account. For field DTAKT, specify a decision tree and then defineDtakt=nnnnn/mmmmm, where nnnnn is the Bank ID in table T012 and mmmmm the account ID in table T012K. Example: Dependency between company code and the first three functions of the bank code: Variable argument TransactionsD DBUKRS **** &DTAKT=DB /GIRO , 0001 DBANKL(3) 0001 *** &DTAKT=DB /GIRO , 0001 600 &DTAKT=COM /TG , 5) Use of field; note to payee If you have entered information in field VERWZ (note to payee), (eg, forexternal transfers), this field will be adopted by field ISD Note toPayee. If you have not entered anything in field VERWZ (eg for bankcodes), the note to payee in the ISD record will use the text: "Salary/Wage", personnel number, payroll period For pensioners, the text printed will be: "Pension/Pens.", personnel number, payroll period The Note to Payee field is printed in the account statement. If you donot want to use the above text, you can change it using the main programRPCDTAE0. 6) Reading file BNKA File BNKA is used to determine the bank number. Master data and DTAKTbank numbers are the key for the BNKA file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST mode "X" will display, for all selected persons, the transfers andSETH records generated from them. All transfers with errors will be runin TEST mode " ", indicating the reason. When there is a transfer witherrors for a specific person, no transfers will be carried out for himor her. The records created are transferred to program RFFOES_T, which willgenerate the data medium. As from the RPCDTAE0 transfer time, theparameters program run date ID characteristic must be complete. For program run date you must enter the transfer date,and for the identification feature you must enter the time. You mustalso place a 'P' as the final character of the identification feature. A T T E N T I O N : R E S T A R T If you run program RPCDTAE0, without selecting the "Select transfers"parameter, you can easily run it again. But if you have to repeatprogram RPCDTAE0, remember that you must first set the 'Repeat run date'and 'Repeat run time' parameters so that the records that are marked astransferred will be selected once more. To do this, you need to enterthe date and time that are stored in the transfers into the parameters.If you have to repeat a particular run of RPCDTAE0, you should selectthe 'only selected records' parameter. If you need to re-run RPCDTAE0because of a termination, you can not set the 'only selceted records'parameter. On the contrary, as well as the records for which thetransfer time matches the event of the parameters, the records for whichno transfer time has been stored will also be selected. Precondition Parameter: Wage type This report gives you the option to restrict a payment run to a veryspecific set of wage types. This means that you can perform variouspayment runs in each payroll period. Test = "X": No data transferred to RFFOES_T PCL2 not maintained Transfers to be performed are printed or else: Data is transferred to RFFOES_T PCL2 is maintained Umlaut conversion = X : Umlauts and lower case conversion or else: No umlaut or lower case conversion Register transfers If you select this parameter, transfers will be saved to file PCL2 insuch a way that the transfer date will be written (RPCDTAE0 expirationdate). If you repeat the payroll (RPCALCE0), rather than overwriting therecords marked with an arrow during the payroll run, a differencecalculation will be carried out. Repeat run: Date You should only enter a date here for repeat runs. If you enter a repeatrun date, as well as the records that have not yet been transferred, therecords that have the same transfer time and date as the parameters willalso be selected. Only selected records You should make an entry here for repeat runs. If the repeat run datehas been entered and this parameter is selected, only the records forwhich the transfer time matches the specified repeat run date will beselected. |