Title Social Balance Declaration (Belgium) This report enables you to run the Social Balance. The Social Balance (OC of 4/8/1996, which appeared in the BelgianNational paper ('het Belgisch Staatsblad'/'le Moniteur Belge') on30/08/1996), is a declaration that takes place once a year together withthe annual statement of accounts. This declaration has to be providedfor the National Bank of Belgium and is then used for statisticalpurposes. The Social Balance gives an overview of the status of personnel workingin the company, the movement of personnel during the year, the use ofmeasures promoting employment and the training of personnel.
- The report mainly uses data saved during the periodical payroll
calculations. A payroll run must have been carried out for each of theperiods relevant to the Social Balance and all relevant data must besaved. The selection of employees is mainly based on the existence of acontract in infotype Contract Elements (0016) - field Contract type ( CTTYP>) and the social insurance employee specification ininfotype Social Insurance B (0100) - field Specification EE (RSZSP >) as defined in feature Social Balance (BSOBA>). Make sure that every employee who should be listed on the Social Balanceis processed by payroll (for example employees absent for a long termbecause of illness or contract interruption).
- The wage types relevant to working hours (code101) and personnel costs
(code 102) need a value for evaluation class Social balance ( 15>).
- Maintain the following specific customizing in the IMG:
Feature Social Balance ( BSOBA>); Definition of the different contract types (tableT5BVB>); Mapping table for educational level (table T5BVD>).If more than one record is registered in infotype Education>(0022) the highest educational level (based on the mapping value) istaken into account to define the educational level of an employee (forexample an employee with both a secondary school education and auniversity education will be valued at university level and not atsecondary school level) Mapping table for the Personnel action/reason (tableT5BO1>). Mapping table for the Reduction type (RSZWG>)/ Social Balancecodes (SBCOD>; table T5BVN>).
- Social Balance data (of the current and previous year) (
table T5BVK>). The data concerning the number ofdirectors (code 130) needs to be defined in this table every year beforerunning the report. The data concerning the previous year (codes 100,101, 102, 103 and 560) is maintained automatically but can be changedmanually if required (for example when this report hasn't run the yearbefore).Features Specific purpose of the report. The declaration is divided into 4 paragraphs containing statistics. Foreach of these statistics, numeric codes correspond to an informationtype (for example code 100 corresponds to the average number ofemployees during the year). For each of these codes, several figureshave to be displayed like the detais for full-time and part-timeworkers, total, etc. (for example: code 100 requires the number offull-time employees, the number of part-time employees, the total inFull-Time Equivalents and the total in FTE of the previous year). The following paragraphs can be found on the Social Balance:
- Paragraph I: Status of personnel working in the company>.
Several statistics concerning the number of employed persons registeredin the Personnel Register and temporary workers and the personnel costsrelated to these personnel.
- Paragraph II: Employment status in the company during the year>.
This paragraph shows the entries and exits of personnel detailedaccording to the kind of person, kind of contract, educational leveletc.
- Paragraph III: Status of measures used to promote employment>.
Several statistics to analyse how government measures are used topromote employment. In certain cases, the Social Contribution reductiongranted to the company has to be shown.
- Paragraph IV: Information concerning professional training>.
Statistics concerning the costs and the number of employees who haveattended some training during the year. These statistics are not yetavailable via this report.Full versus short statement. Some companies considered as large enough according to turnover criteriaand according to the number of employees have to provide a fullstatement. Other companies have the possibility to provide a shorterversion of the declaration in which the level of detail and someparagraphs of the statement are ignored (the shorter version is not yetavailable). Note The table values (V_T5BVK) for code ">130 Management ' will bededucted automatically, according to the values of code '134White-collar workers'.
- Button "Further selections".
By clicking on the button "Further selections" you can restrict theselection to a specified range of employees for which you want to runthe social balance. If you don't choose this option, the report will run for the wholemaster data.
- RSZ number.
Here you should input (a range of) Social Insurance registrationnumber(s) for the employer(s). These numbers are retrieved from theinstitutions table (T5B1T/T5B1G>) that uniquely identifies anemployer at the National Office for Social Security
- Validity Dates (FIscal Year).
The previous fiscal year is proposed as default. A few months areavailable after the closing of accounts for making corrections in thefinancial statements. During this period the master data and the payrollresults can be modified as well. It is important that the officialdocuments (that will be sent to the National Bank) will be handled afterthe closing of the fiscal year. Before this date, the report should onlybe used for internal statistical purposes.
- Latest date of payroll run
This date indicates the highest IN-Period to be considered for payrollresults.
- DMFA declaration.
If you want to retrieve new (after January 2003) SI declarations (DMFA),you are required to specify the name of the DMFA declaration (TemSe)files for every quarter of the declaration year in which you declaredyour data to SI using the DMFA framework. Notice that you can make aSocial Balance declaration for a year in which you used the old SIdeclaration framework for some quarters, and the new SI declarationframework (DMFA) for the resting quarters of the year.
- Determitantion of part-time working employees.
Execution in test mode (no database update will occur) This check field determines whether the run is a test or not. In casethe test flag is not selected, the table Social balance data (<(> <<)>ZH>T5BVK<(><<)>/>) will be maintained automatically by the programfor later use in the next fiscal year. Suppress the warning in case of missing payroll results Enables you to suppress warning messages in case of missing payrollresults in the fiscal year specified. Count leaving event end of last year in declaration of this year Enables you to count leaving events at the end of last year in thedeclaration of this year
- Printing information.
Name of the form 'Full model' Name of the form 'Short model' You can choose between Full Statement and Short Statement by pointingout the required statement and the relevant form name. The differencebetween the Short and the Full Statement is in the printing and not inthe processing of the data. The form for the Short Statement is not yetavailable. Language. Here you can define the language for the print document. If the requiredform does not exist in this language, the form will be printed in theoriginal language.
- Check fields
In case 'Execution in test mode' is used, no data will be stored intable T5BVK, containing data of past years. The field 'Suppress the warning in case of missing payroll results'enables you to suppress warning messages in case of missing payrollresults in the fiscal year specified. The field 'Count leaving event end of last year in declaration of thisyear' enables you to count leaving events at the end of last year in thedeclaration of this year
- Print out forms in background process
You can mark the check box 'Print out forms in background process' ifyou process the report in background and you want to print out theforms. As a default, only the log is printed in background process.Calculation of full-time equivalents. The Full-Time Equivalent calculation is based on the proportion betweenthe contractual hours of the employee (defined in infotype ContractElements> (0016) - field Maximum Hrs/Week>) and thenormal full-time hours, defined by feature 'Hours per week' ( BEUWG>).Printing of the Social Balance. Before printing the Social Balance an Error Message List is printed. Onthis list, error messages, warning messages and informative messages areprinted. After this Error Message List, the system will inquire aftersome printer information. Values not filled by this report will be printed as dashes (-----) tomake a distinction between non-existing values or values not calculated(zero or blank).
- Codes 102 (personnel expenses): Only salary information will be
providedat the moment (no information on employer contribution, no extralegal insurance).
- Code 103 ('voordelen bovenop het loon' / 'avantages sociaux'). These
costs can not be provided by the payroll clusters. They are notcalculated by the payroll as they do not concern only one person but agroup of employees or even the whole company itself (for examplepersonnel festivities, departmental outing,..).
- Codes 150, 151 and 152 (Temporary workers and persons at disposal): you
receive this information from the company who sends the workers.
- Not available at the moment are also the codes 133 and 350, codes 502,
503, 505 and 506, and codes 58xy (Information concerning theprofessional training).
- Please note that to fill the values of the codes mentioned in this
section, customer exits are provided.