Description You can use report RPCD3TD0> (Create DEUEV data medium) to createa file with DEUEV notifications for each health insurance fund (AOK,VDAK, and so on). The file is saved as a TemSe object. You then copythe TemSe object to a diskette and send the date medium to therecipient fund.Prerequisites You must have already created DEUEV notifications for your employees.The report RPCD3TD0> (Create DEUEV data medium) selects only thenotifications with the Status> New>.
- Using report RPCD3VD0> (Create notifications) you have created
and, if necessary, corrected DEUEV notifications.
- The notifications are stored with status New>.
Customizing In the view Health Insurance Fund Basic Data> (V_5D11_C) you havedetermined a recipient fund for reporting, to which DEUEV notificationswill be sent for each health insurance fund (AOK, VDAK, and so on). Formore information, see the Implementation Guide for Payroll Germanyunder Social insurance -> Master data -> Statutory social insurance-> Create health insurance fund>Scope of functions Notification selection Determine the payroll periods to be evaluated, and the employees thatare to be selected in the Payroll period> and Selection>group boxes. The report checks whether there are DEUEV notificationswith the status New> for these selection criteria. Thesenotifications are processed and written to a TemSe file. The status ofthe selected notifications changes from New> to Transferred>. Start the report RPCD3TD0> (Create DEUEV data mediums) for thesame payroll periods and the same employees for which you have createdDEUEV notifcations with report RPCD3VD0> (Create notifications).In this way, you can ensure that all previously created DEUEVnotifications with the status New> are also transferred. Annual reports are an exception. Annual reports are transferred in themonth you determine using the Transfer annual notifications > parameter.Creating TemSe objects TemSe objects are temporary, sequential files, stored in the R/3System. Every employee is assigned a health insurance fund in the SocialInsurance> infotype (0013). In the view Health insurance basic data> (V_5D11_C) every healthinsurance fund is assigned a Health insurance fund type> (AOK,VDAK etc.); for every Health insurance fund type>, a recipientfund for reporting is stored. Using the health insurance fund of the employee, the report determinesthe respective recipient funds. All DEUEV notifications, for the samerecipient fund are written in a TemSe object HR_CD3T (Indicate fundtype)_(squential number): Health fund type ,,TemSe Object,, 01: AOK ,,HR_CD3T01_(Sequential number),, 02: VDAK ,,HR_CD3T03_(Sequential number),, 03: BKK ,,HR_CD3T03_(Sequential number),, 04: IKK ,,HR_CD3T04_(Sequential number),, 05: BK/Indus.wrkrs ,,HR_CD3T05_(Sequential number),, 06: BK/Salar'd EEs ,,HR_CD3T06_(Sequential number),,Letter to the recipient fund The report also creates a letter to the respective recipient fund forreporting for each health fund. The letter is issued using a SAPscript®form. In the standard system, this is the form HR_DE_D3_BRIEF>. With the R/3-System you have the option to archive the recipient fund.Archiving takes place using SAP ArchiveLink>®. You can only archive the letters when the Change print parameter>parameter is selected. If you have selected the Change printparameter> parameter, you can release output orders individually forthe letters. At the release you have the option, using theArchiving mode> field, to determine whether a letter should be printed archived or printed and archived.Annual notifications In the program control group box, you determine the month in which youwant to transfer the annual notifications to the recipient funds. Annual notifications are automatically created in December, usingreport RPCD3VD0> (Create notifications). Annual notifications aresaved in the system with record indicator 50>. The report RPCD3TD0> (Create DEUEV data mediums) does nottransfer the annual notifications with the other notifications of theDEUEV run in December. The report RPCD3TD0> proceeds using Transfer annualnotifications> instead. Using this parameter, determine the month(January, February, March or April), in which the remaining annualnotifications should be transferred. Example:> In December 1999 report RPCD3VD0 automatically created the annualnotifications for 1999. The annual notifications are stored in the SAPSystem in status "new" with record indicator 50>. You want totransfer these annual notifications in March 2000. When creating the DEUEV data medium using report RPCD3TD0, in the monthof March, you enter the month March> in the Transfer annualnotification> parameter. In this way, the TemSe object createdcontains: all DEUEV notifications for March (payroll period 03) and all annual notifications (record indicator 50) with the status New>.File counter / file number and repetition runs In the DEUEV File counter> table (T5D4S), a file counter (filenumber) is stored per Sender> (Personnel area/subarea, branchoffice) and Recipient fund>. For every run of report RPCD3TD0 > (DEUEV Create data medium) with the same sender and recipient, thistable adds a new entry with a file number increased by one. With the R/3 System you have the option of repeating a complete datamedium run for a file number. This is necessary, when:
- A recipient fund informs you that a data medium is defect or has not
- You have already deleted the TemSe object for this data medium and
therefore have to create it again. In this case, you first have to set the status of the notification inquestion to "new", to be transferred again. You can then carry out arepetition run for the file number, by entering the file number in theprogram control group box to be repeated. See also:> Indicating and deleting DEUEV notifications (RPUD3AD0) >Transfer notifications to diskette After the report has been run, a log is displayed on the screen. In the'overview of created TemSe objects' group box, the created TemSeobjects are listed for each health insurance fund. Using the "Execute"function for the respective TemSe objects, you can goto report RPUTSVD3(DEUEV: Download Data medium to diskette). You can use this report tocopy the notifications stored in the selected TemSe object to adiskette or drive. See also:> DEUEV Notifications Download (RPUTSVD3) >Example: Execution of a repeat run From AOK Bruchsal you receive the messge that the data medium youcreated with file number 17> is defect, and a new data mediummust be created. Unfortunately, the TemSe object for the data mediumhas already been deleted. In this case, proceed as follows: Change status of the notification to be transferred> The old DEUEV notifications are stored in the R/3 System still with thestatus Transfer>. In order to tranfser this notification again,the status must be changed to To be transferred>. Report RPUD3AD0> (Indicating and deleting DEUEV notifications) isavailable for this. In this example, you determine in the selectionscreen of the report in the 'selection of data medium run' group boxthe data medium run that is to be created: Recipient fund/Branch office:,,AOK Bruchsal> File counter: ,,17> Sender personnel area : ,,Personnel area/subarea of yourpayroll office> In the Function selection> group box, determine the status withwhich the notification of the data medium should be indicated. Set theindicator of notification indicator to status and choose the status03> (to be transferred). Interim result:> All DEUEV notifications in your payroll office with file number 17 >, that were transferred to the AOK Bruchsal, have status to betransferred. These notifications can now be transferred again. See also:> Indicating and deleting DEUEV notifications (RPUD3AD0) > Transfer notifications again> The DEUEV notifications of the data medium run that is to be repeatedhave the status to be transferred>. For these notifications, youcreate a TemSe object, using report RPCD3TD0> (DEUEV Create datamediums), that you then copy on to a disc. Fill out the File numberfor repeat field> in the program control> group box on thereport selection screen. Enter file number 17>. Result:> All DEUEV notifications for your payroll office with file number 17> that were transferred to AOK Bruchsal and have status 03> (tobe transferred), are written to a TemSe object. The TemSe object canthen be copied to a disc using report RPUTSVD3> (DEUEV: DownloadData medium to disc) and sent to AOK Bruchsal again.