Description With report RPCD3MD0> (Create Statements for DEUEV Notifications)you create a statement for each employee using the given DEUEVnotifications.Precondition If you want to issue your employees with DEUEV notifications they haveto be transferred beforehand to the respective recipient fund. ReportRPCD3MD0> (Create Statements for DEUEV Notifications) onlyselects notifications, which have the status> transferred> or certified>: With report RPCDTVD0> (Create DEUEV Data Medium) you transferred,beforehand, created DEUEV notifications to the recipient fund. The notifications are stored in the system with status transferred orcertified.Scope of Functions Selection of Notifications In the group boxes payroll period> and selection> youdetermine the payroll period to be evaluated and the employees to beselected. The report checks whether DEUEV notifications are availablefor this selection criteria and prints an appropriate statement for theemployee. You start the report RPCD3MD0> (Create DEUEV Data Medium) for thesame payroll period and the same employees for whom you created andtransferred the DEUEV notifications. In so doing you make sure that allpreviously created DEUEV notifications are also certified.Status of Notifications In the group box status of notifications> you determine thestatus of the notifications to be certified:
- notifications that are still not certified:
All notifications that are saved with status transferred are certified.The status of the selected notifications changes fromtransferred> to certified>.
- all transferred notifications:
Notifications that are saved with status transferred> orcertified> are certified. This option is helpful if a DEUEVnotification that has already been certified has to be certified asecond time.Employee's Address Report RPCD3MD0 evaluates feature ADDRS> (subtype sequence foraddress structure) by determining the employee's address. If you do not make any specific entry in the feature, the certificationof a DEUEV notification will be sent to the employee's permanent placeof residence. The permanent place of residence is entered in infotypeaddresses> (0006) under the subtype / the address type 1(permanent place of residence). By maintaining the feature appropriately you can also send thestatement to the employee's other addresses, for example to theworkplace address in your enterprise. To do this you must enter theworkplace address in an additional subtype of the infotype addresses> (0006). In the feature ADDRS> you indicate under thevariable argument CD3M> (for report RPCD3MD0) the subtype underwhich the workplace address is maintained. In so doing you make itpossible that the certifications in your department are distributed tothe employees.