Contents: * General description * Selection criteria and parameters * Error notes and search for causes * Technical notes General description The tax type statement is used for displaying lists of tax typedistributions based on the settlement data for the persons selected.The evaluation indicates per period of the respective tax type theamounts currently assigned to the wage type groups /3xx, /4xx, /6xx and/7xx. The according datas are drawn from results table RT from therelevant payroll results of the respective employees and are cumulated.When using sort criteria the employee's organizational assignment isevaluated from the work center data (table WPBP) from the payrollresults. On request there is a headcount at the end of each tax type whichindicates the number of employees which contribute to the tax sum. The evaluation can be sorted by organizational assignment and by taxcompany (see parameter "Sort sequence"). The evaluation is limited to one country. Personnel numbers assigned todeviating countries are listed afterwards in the error log. Selection criteria and parameters The parameters comprise those for the database and the specificparameters for controlling the tax type statement. You may use alldatabase parameters except for "Sort: Field names". This parameter isreplaced in the tax type statement with "Sort sequence". At this pointwe assume that the user is already acquainted with the use of databaseparameters. Parameter "Wage/Tax type to be evaluated" In this field, enter all wage types for which you want to carry out anevaluation. If you do not specify a wage type, the system selects themall (what makes no sense for this evaluation). Please note that it isonly possible to select wage types which are listed in table RT. The program initializes the parameter with the wage type groups /3xx,/4xx, /6xx and /7xx which are needed for the entire evaluation. If oneof these wage type groups is removed, the according column in the listwill be empty. It is also possible to select only one or a few certain tax typesbecause the last two digits of the wage types determine the tax types. For example: a) /305, /308, /405, /408, /605, /608, /705 and /708 => only tax types 05 and 08 are selected b) /30*, /40*, /60* and /70* => only tax types 00 to 09 are selected Parameter "Evaluation Type" This parameter determines the evaluation type to be performed:
- Single Evaluation: Individual results per Employee are displayed
- Total Evaluation: The Report shows the total result per Tax Authority
and tax type.Parameter "Sort sequence" This parameter determines the sequence in which the data is output. Youcan control output by means of the following sort criteria: 8 = tax company 1 = company code 2 = personnel area 3 = personnel subarea 4 = cost center 5 = employee group 6 = employee subgroup 7 = organizational unit The parameter is seven characters long, so you can choose a maximum ofseven sort criteria at once. The sorting sequence is defined by thesequence of the entered sort criteria. Every combination is possible. Examples: --------- a) Sorting is to be carried out according to company code, cost center, employee subgroup and employee group: Sort sequence .. 1465 The remaining sort criteria are inapplicable and are therefore not entered in the parameter. b) default of the parameter: Sort sequence... 8123 results in sorting according to sequence: Tax company, company code, personnel area, personnel subarea The values for the sort criteria are taken from the work center datafrom the payroll results (table WPBP). Parameter "Output control" This enables you to control printing after sort criteria have changed. If you need to print a totals line after tax types have changed, simplyflag the first character with an 'X'. You can use the second characterto determine whether you would like a new page for each change of taxtype. Position 1: - Totals after a change of tax type Position 2: - New page per tax type Example: The parameter value is 'XX'. When printing is performed, eachnew tax type is written to a new page and then concluded with a totalsline if more than one line is printed out for the tax type. Parameter "Headcount" To activate the headcount you simply have to flag the parameter with an'X'. The headcount contains the number of persons which contribute tothe sum of a tax type amount and is displayed at the end of theaccording tax type. Error notes and search for causes If you find values in the evaluation which may be incorrect, pleasecheck your payroll results first of all, looking for a personnel numberand wage type where the incorrect result occurs. In the payrollresults, check the amount assigned to the wage type in the resultstable (RT), and check if there is a split in the work center data(table WPBP). The following notes should be of help in locating and solving errors. Note: Incorrect or duplicated sort criteria You have either assigned a sort criterion more than once or specifiedan undefined sort criterion. Please change the value entered for theparameter "Sort sequence". Note: Parameter "Sort: Field names" not supported You have attempted to use the database parameter "Sort: Field names".The tax type statement uses the parameter "Sort sequence" instead.Please use this one. Note: Different period modifiers You cannot carry out evaluations for more than one country or periodmodifier in the tax type statement. Please select payroll subunits fromone country/period modifier per evaluation. Technical notes Programs and INCLUDEs The tax type statement uses the following programs and INCLUDEs: - RPCCTXU0 Start tax type statement, selection screen - RPCCTX10 Read routines - RPCCTX20 Task routines - RPCCTX30 Main routines - RPCLGAx0 Read program for database PCL2 (payroll cluster) The read program for database PCL2 varies for each country version.Program RPCLGAU0 is used for the USA, RPCLGAK0 for Canada and so on. The tax type statement writes the read payroll results (tables RT andtable WPBP) to a sequential dataset. This is saved as an extract. Thestorage requirement can be deduced from the following formula: Storage in bytes = Number of personnel numbers * Number of wage types * Number of read payroll results * Record length (approx. 100 bytes) Example: The tax type statement is to be started for 3000 employees over 1 period. Around 300 wage types per employee are accumulated. The resulting storage requirement for the extract is approximately 90 megabytes (3000 * 300 * 1 * 100). If you have problems with storage capacity, extend the roll area in theprofile.