Description This report is used to create the annual statement for the CADANS. Note!> The report is based on a joint publication by UWV Cadans, PIEN B.V. andRelan Pensioen Utrecht. However, the data set only meets therequirements of UWV Cadans and not of Relan Pensioen Utrecht. This meansthat all fields specific to Relan are missing. Every year an annual statement must be submitted to the Cadans for allactive employees liable to social insurance contributions for ZW, WW,WAO or ZFW in that year. You can specify the required data medium on the Output> tab page.The data is written to a TemSe file in the foreground or background. To display the data, you must run report Displaying HR TemSe Files(Netherlands)> (RPUTSVN1>). To save the data to the required data medium, you must run reportDownloading HR TemSe Files (Netherlands)> ( RPUTSVN0>). The data must have a certain structure, which is: RECORD A (header record, sender data)> RECORD C (record for withholding agent)> RECORD E (record for personal data of employee)> RECORD F (record for tax-relevant data of employee)> RECORD G (record for insurance data of employee)> RECORD Y (last record for withholding agent)> RECORD Z (final record)> Records E, F and G must always appear together and in the given order. For each withholding agent several sets of employee data records may bewritten. Each dispatch may contain the personal and other data of more than onewithholding agent. Before sending digital data to an executive authority for the first time , you must first send a registration form to that body. The deadline for sending the form is October 1st of the year precedingthe year in which the digital information is to be supplied for thefirst time. The industrial insurance board [Bedrijfsvereniging] willthen contact you and ask you to send in a test tape or disk. If the digital annual statement is provided by a service agency oradministrative office, they will send in the registration form for you,in which case no action is required on your part.Definition The program will create the following records: Record E for Personal Data of Employee> Record type: "E" Personal and address data are derived from infotype Personal Data (0002)and Addresses (0006), subtype "1". Feature NLMSV can be used to control the name fields of the report ininfotype Personal Data (0002). Record F for Tax-Relevant Data of Employee> Record type: "F" No annual statement is submitted for employees who reached the age of 65and were still working on 1 January of the fiscal year in question.Instead, for the persons concerned, this information is recorded in alog for reference purposes. For employees who still have to reach the age of 65 in the year inquestion, the section End of Period> is filled with the last dayof the fiscal year or with the end date of employment, whichever comesfirst. The section Gross Wage for SI> is filled with the gross wage forSI applicable to the period entered.Restrictions:
- For part-time early retirees [deeltijdvutters], two sets of personal
records are required: One set for the early retirement benefits withspecial indicator 30, and one set for the employment. If such a situation arises, the person must be entered in the systemwith two different personnel numbers. At the end of the report you will find the totals per legal person (Leper). An overview will be displayed for: REPER | Total Salary Gross Salary
Selection If required you can specify a cross-platform file name for theAnnual CADANS Statement>. A physical path and a physical path namemust be defined for a logical path name "HR_NL_JO_CADANS" (see alsoMaintaining Logical File Names> in the IMG).