SAP Program RPCCGAPT0PBS - Magnetic File for CGA Deductions

You use this report to compile data required byCGA institutions. You thengenerate a magnetic file (on disk, CD-ROM, or in an e-mail message) intext format and send the file to an institution.
The file contains employee data related to the employee's functionalsituation and monthy deductions for retirement and absences that canlater be used to calculate repayment amounts that the employee hasaccumulated up until retirement age.

You have defined the settings required to process CGA data for publicsector employees in Customizing for Payroll by choosingPayroll: Portugal -> Enhancements for Public Sector Portugal ->Social Security (CGA) -> (...).
Note: If you want to generate the CGA Magnetic File in thelayout version 1.3, the following customizings are necessary:

  • Maintain the NIFRL field as described in Payroll: Portugal ->
  • Enhancements for Public Sector Portugal -> Social Security (CGA) ->Magnetic File -> Entities and Properties -> (...)
    • Maintain the work schedules as described in
    • Define Work Scbedules

      You typically run this report for the current period. If you run thisreport for another period, you need to make sure that you select avalid payroll period.
      The Principal Organization and CGA institution fields are mandatory.
      You have to mark in which layout version you want the report to be run.

      The following data appears in the list header:

      • List description (Listagem do ficheiro da Caixa Geral de
      • Aposentações)
        • Month and year

        • Principal organization

        • The list contains all data required by CGA institutions. The structuretree groups all employees by company or organization and identifiesindividual employees by personnel number.
          Employees are assigned one or more situation codes, which providefunctional information about the employee situation. An employeesituation can be dependent on a reason or action, such as a transfer orchange of work schedule, or on absence, for example, due to illness.
          If you run the report using the layout 1.2, each piece of informationsent to CGA typically has the movement code 0. The movement code istechnical information about the report. If you have to cancel someinformation that you have already sent to the institution, you createthe information with the movement code 9. The movment codes 0 and 9comply with the instructions defined in the CGA. guidelines (MANUAL DEINSTRUÇÕES PREENCHIMENTO DAS RELAÇÕES DE DESCONTOS).
          The structure tree also shows all the records of the generated file byorganization, employee, record situation code, record movement code,effective date of the record, and detailed data such as the data to besent and the relevant wage types.

          Enter the required data, and in particular the layout version you wantto run the report with
          Run the report.
          Select an output option to display the results or generate a file inelectronic format for employees that have been selected, processed,rejected or excluded.
          Use the HR-PT: TemSe Display/Download Utility for PublicSector to view the report of CGA deductions and download it as amagnetic file.

1285737RPCCGAPT0PBS: Performance issues in CGA Magnetic File report
1173260Legal Change for CGA Magnetic File report
1222993Evaluation classes 18, 19 and 20 replaced
1161144RPCCGAPT0PBS: Employees with different CGA number in payroll
1155867RPCCGAPT0PBS:filling of field remun. for sit. cod. 81 to 90
1152967Seniority ded. and retrocalculation process in CGA Mag. File
1150898RPCCGAPT0PBS: Employees associated to a non CGA regime.
1144912New customizing for Sit. Code 01,30,32 of CGA Magnetic File
1077282HCM PT PS: Report Magnetic File with CGA deductions made