Purpose This printout report enables you to inform your employees about thereported tax data for them. Features This report should be executed after the tax declaration. Selection Besides the standard selection fields, the following selection fieldsare available: Load Temse File: In the field Tax Year>>, you must enter the year for whichyou want to generate the declaration. This is usually the year followingthe year in which the reported income was paid. The field TemSe File >enables you to select the relevantsequential dataset in the Temporary Sequential file. These datasets arecalled 'HR objects' in the TemSe. The naming convention for HR objects in the TemSe is as follows: HR_xxxxxx_nnnnnnnnnn - xxxxxx is an identifier which specifies the area - nnnnnnnnnn is a 10-digit consecutive number. Form Options: The field Fiche/Form> enables you to select the relevant fiche orform or a range of them.The BELCOTAX voucher number is the numericidentification of the legal document. For example '28110' for legaldocument 281.10. The field Form Language >enables you to select the language ofcommunication and correspondence by entering the relevant language code. Sorting Criteria: By choosing Personal Number>> the forms will be sorted uponpersonal number. By choosing Forms,> the forms will be sorted by fiche.Output The main output of the report are the forms per employee containing thereported tax data. In the log, the number of employees and the errorswill be displayed. The errors will be subdivided into message type,message text and the number of messages collected of the same type. |