Purpose This report enables you to declare external payments in a FINPROFAdvance Tax Declaration> (RPCBWMB0). The XML-file will be stored inthe Temse. The external payments will be automatically assigned to a declarationperiod based on the Status Handler. This will be the period of the lastaccepted FINPROF declaration for the corresponding employee. If an 3207 Create additional payments Belcotax (BE)> infotyperecord has been declared, it will be locked and cannot be changed ordeleted. After receiving a negative receipt or notification, the recordwill be unlocked and can be changed again. If the declaration of therecord has been accepted, it cannot be changed anymore. If a B2A processis deleted manually, all corresponding IT3207 records are unlocked. All external payments should have been declared before making the yearlyBELCOTAX declaration.Prerequisites
- Infotype Create additional payments Belcotax >3207 is maintained
- Maintain IMG step Assign Wagetype to Tax
declaration> The PNP selection will be used to find out the list of employees todeclare. The part Declare record from selection list > will be used tofilter out the records who do not comply with the settings made in thisblock. Only those employee records which fulfill the criteria for thekey elements Company Code and/or Fiche 274 Code will remain. For thispurpose, the following selection fields are available:
- thefield Company Code > is an organizational unit within financial
- in the field Fiche 274 Code>, >you can enter the monthly
tax declaration fiche number. This fiche number is a code of 5characters for the electrionic declaration wtih serial number 274.xx..For example 27410. The part Global Data> contains the following fields:
- Tax year>: this is the INCOME year for which you want to generate
the FINPROF declaration. This is usually the year IN which the reportedincome was paid.
- Generation date>: Date on which the declaration file is generated.
- Test>: this allows you to declare external payments in test mode
in a FINPROF Advance Tax Declaration.
- Activate B2A>: you can set this indicator if you want to trigger
the Business-to-Administration workflow (B2A).
- Check B2A and status handle>r: this enables or disables the status
handler and B2A checks.Output In the log, the company ID and the company name will be displayed. Ifyou press on the button right, "show detailed results", the FINPROF logwill be displayed. If you open the folder FINPROF, the declaration willbe shown on employee level and on level of all employees. In the columnTaxable revenues, the external payments will be displayed.