Purpose This report can be used to create the Annual Tax Declaration in theframework of BELCOTAX on Web> (BOW).Integration For more information about the current Belcotax procedures and types ofdeclaration, see the Brochure Belcotax on Web> document publishedby the Belgian authorities. For more information, seehttp://minfin.fgov.be/belcotaxonweb.html -> Publications>.Selection The Selection >screen area is used to select employees for thedeclaration by organizational area. The Declare record from Selection list> screen area is used tofurther filter employee records. Only those employee records whichfulfill the defined criteria for company code and/or voucher numberremain. For this purpose, the following selection fields are available:
- The Company Code >is an organizational unit within financial
- The Voucher number > is the Belcotax voucher number for the BOW
annual declaration. The Global Data> screen area contains the following fields:
- The Income year >is the income year for which you want to generate
the Belcotax declaration. This is usually the year in which the reportedincome was paid.
- The S>ender (Company code) >>is the company code of
the sender of the BOW-declaration.
- The Sender (Company ID)> is the code that uniquely identifies an
employer within the social security system. The value of this field isretrieved by the DMFA report >(RPCDMFB0) for further processingand eventually stored in the field Unique company number >(00014)of the electronic DMFA file. In addition to the DMFA, monthly reportFINPROF: Advance Tax Declaration> (RPCBWMB0) and annual reportBELCOTAX Income Declaration> (RPCBWAB0) use and store the value aswell.
- The Type of declaration >enables you to choose between an original
declaration, a global update or a selected update. In the case of aglobal update, the entire previous declaration will be deleted andreplaced (the value in field nature of file 0.025 is 0 = normaltransmission). In the case of a selected update, only the fiches whichhave to be updated will be handled. Some parts of the declaration shouldbe replaced, especially the 281.XX fiches (the value in field nature offile 0.025 is 1= corrective transmission refers to previoustransmission). This choice also influences the values in fields 1.010,0.026 and 2.028.
- The >Test indicator>> >allows you to run the
Belcotax declaration report in test mode. This indicator enables you totest the program first and detect possible errors without having tostore any data in the Belcotax cluster.