RESET B1 From the listing, it is possible to update the Company Car infotype(0222) using batch input mode. The batch input session takes the mileagefrom the trips, assigns it to the company cars and fills in the businessmileage field on infotype 0222, overwriting any existing values. The program first checks that the person has a company car record forthe selected period. If there is no record the program moves onto thenext person. If the person has made no trips or has no company car, the table "EEwith no trips" will be filled. This provides the employee's name andpersonnel number and whether they have a company car in the chosenperiod. If you flagged the "Assign the remaining miles to company car" checkbox, the program will assign all business mileage found to the availablecompany cars. This is equivalent to carrying out all 4 mileageallocation steps described below. If you did not flag the check box,only business mileage that matches company car registration numbers anddates is assigned (step 1). Optimum Mileage Threshold Every company car is assigned an optimum mileage threshold for the taxyear. This mileage limit is set by law and is therefore subject tochange. The SAP system performs dynamic checks in the customizing table(T5G61) and modifies it to comply with any statutory changes to thethreshold. At present, the optimum mileage threshold for a company car is 18,000miles. If the employee keeps the car for a full tax year, programRPCBSMG0 automatically retrieves this threshold from table T5G61.However, if the employee holds a car for less than a full tax year, theprogram calculates the optimum threshold on a pro rata basis. In otherwords, if an employee only holds a company car for 6 months, the optimummileage threshold assigned to that car is 9,000 miles. Assigning Miles to the Company Car Infotype In order to assign miles to the appropriate company car, programRPCBSMG0 processes all business trips made by the employee in thespecified tax year and then assigns these trips to company carsaccording to the following priorities: Car registration number If a trip is recorded for the registration number of a car in theemployee's company car record, the program assigns the miles for thattrip to the company car with that registration number. The period of thetrip must also fall within the validity period of the company carinfotype. If the optimum mileage threshold for any car is exceeded, theprogram holds the additional miles and processes them in step 2. Date of trip At this stage, the mileage from trips with registration numbers that donot match any of the employee's company cars is processed, along withany additional miles from step 1. The program assigns mileage accordingto the date of the trip. If the date of a trip lies within the period of validity of at least onecompany car, the trip mileage is assigned as follows: The mileage is assigned to the primary company car until its optimummileage threshold is reached. The program then assigns the rest of thismileage to any secondary company cars recorded in the infotype. This isdone in succession: when the optimum mileage threshold of one secondarycar is reached, the program moves on to the next secondary car. Itcontinues to do this until all the secondary car mileage thresholds havebeen exhausted. Any remaining additional miles are held for processingin step 3. Car mileage threshold Any business mileage recorded outside the validity period of the companycars will get assigned in this step, as well as the additional milesfrom step 2. The procedure to assign mileage is the same as the previousstep but without the date constraint. Remaining miles If there are any miles remaining after the program has completed thefirst three steps, these miles are assigned to the primary company car. RESET N1 Precondition Output |