SAP Program RPCBOWB0 - BELCOTAX - TemSe file Analysis

This report enables you to analyze the TemSe, that is the TemporarySequential file system. It is possible to display or download files.


  • You must have executed report BELCOTAX - Yearly Income Declaration

  • (RPCBWAB0).
    • Be aware that the PC must be turned on, when running the report in a
    • background process.

      The field TemSe enables you to select the relevant sequential dataset inthe Temporary Sequential file. These datasets are called 'HR objects' inthe TemSe.
      The naming convention for HR objects in the TemSe is as follows:

      • HR_xxxxxx_nnnnnnnnnn

      • xxxxxx is an identifier which specifies the area
        nnnnnnnnnn is a 10-digit consecutive number.
        The field Display enables you to display the records ofthe choosen TemSe file in the log.
        The field Download enables you to download the following recordsto the PC / local server. To do so, please fill in the complete path andfilename. Otherwise the files will be stored on the default SAP workingdirectory.
        • Record 0 is the sender record

        • Record 1 is the employer record

        • Record 2 contains additional information for the employee, master data
        • and tax relevant information for the employee
          • Record 8 is description

          • Record 9 is description
          • Output
            In the PAL log, you can open thefolder Display of TemSe File. The senderrecord (record 0), thedeclaration record (record 1), the fiche (record 2), record 8description and record 9 description will be shown.