Description Functions of the report
Number of permitted interruptions for the registration as a place ofwork Permitted values: 0..2, standard setting: 0 Example: GSUAN = 2 For the assignment of construction site municipality -> place of work,two payroll periods (months) without wages are permitted when thesix-month period is checked. Number of permitted interruptions for deregistration as place of work Permitted values: 0..3, standard setting: 0 Example: GSUAB = 3 A construction site municipality that becomes a place of work for yourenterprise retains this status even if no wages are paid for a periodof three months. The construction site municipality only loses thestatus of Place of Work if no wages are paid in the fourth month. If a construction site municipality is a place of work in the periodsin question, the corresponding wage totals are assigned to thismunicipality. If this is not the case, the wage totals are assigned tothe master place of work (the municipality for the personnel subarea)for the employee. The business tax gross amount is assigned to the correspondingconstructionsite using the cost accounting assignment. Wage typeswithout a cost accounting assignment are assigned to the lastconstruction site in the payroll period. Selection of evaluation period The system evaluates which municipalities become places of work duringthe specified period (registration) or which municipalities lose theirstatus of Place of Work (deregistration). The wage totals are evaluatedup to the specified period. The wage totals for the selected employees are assigned to themunicipalities for the corresponding places of work. To check which construction site municipalities are places of work, thewage totals for the data entry year, the previous year, and the 6 +GSUAN periods for the following year are evaluated. Log For information on the specific options, see the parameterdocumentation. Consideration of external data Calculate alternative business tax gross amount Special person groups Definition of hidden parameters |