Title Annual Contribution Base Statement for Social Insurance in Austria Purpose Using this report, you can notify the social insurance agency of theannual SI contribution groups using electronic data exchange (ELDA).For this purpose, the report evaluates the payroll results (ClusterRA). The report creates an internal list in theABAP List Viewer>. You canvary the format of the list. In addition, you can print a SAP script> form that is used as the official form foradministrations.Prerequisites Before you can create the contribution base notifications, you musthave fulfilled the following prerequisites:
- In Customizing in Personnel Administration> under
Organizational Data> -> Organizational Assignment>, youmust have processed the section OrganizationalSupplement Austria>. Here you must have saved your company addresses(company name, personnel area/personnel subarea, street, house number,postal code and city).
- In Customizing for Personnel Administration> under Payroll
Data> -> Social Insurance> -> CheckContribution Groups> you must have assigned the appropriatecharacteristics to your technical contribution groups (for example,specifications for characteristics).
- In Customizing for Payroll Austria> under Accounting for
Administrations and Institutions> -> Social Insurance Evaluationsfor Regional Health Insurance Funds > -> Settings for Contribution Base Notification> you must haveprocessed the step Assign Wage Types for PartialPay>. With this step, you save certain wage types in the viewV_T596J> for the subapplication BGN> in the cumulative wagetype TEIL> (Base for partial pay.). The system then takes thesewage types into account when determining the partial pay.
- You have run payroll successfully for the time range you now want to
evaluate.Features A list is displayed (internal list) that includes all selectedemployees, the employees' relevant personal data, the organizationalassignment, and the contribution bases. If you choose Official List > from this list, you receive the official list as a SAP script> form. It contains the data that is to be transferred. Ifrequired, you can adapt the form to suit your requirements (seeOutput>). If you create ELDA data records, they are stored in the table T5A1O > (ELDA: Created Data Records). To transfer the data to a data mediumafterwards, you can run the report RPUELDA0>. You can create corrected notifications for years that have already beenregistered. In this case, notifications are only created for theemployees who had a retroactive accounting in the specified year in theConfirmation for the year> field that was entered in thespecified period in the Last payroll> field. NEW-PAGESelection Time range The system defaults to a time range for which the base is confirmed bythe statement. This is the year previous to the current year. If youwant to create a statement for a different past year, overwrite thisdefault value. However, ensure that you enter exactly one completecalendar year. Otherwise, relevant employees are left out. Further entries If you want to create a change notification for a calendar year thathas already been registered, select the Correction run> field. If you want to create electronic data exchanges (ELDA), select theELDA data records>. If you want to create ELDA data records with a test indicator, selectthe ELDA test run> field. If you want the system to create a detailed log of the ELDA records,select the ELDA log> field. The system displays the ELDA log whenyou choose Back> from the results list.Including correction runs In the Last payroll> field, enter the period (the in-period) fromwhich the evaluation is to be started. The system defaults to the current payroll period as the period forevaluation. Only overwrite this value if you want to run an earlierevaluation again and, thus, the evaluation is to be started from anearlier period.Specifications for list output Internal list For the internal list's output, you can define your own displayvariants by setting up the list format you want (see Output>).You can enter theis variant in the Internal list variant> field.SAP delivers the standard display variant 01SAP>.Official list SAP delivers the script>form HR_AT_BGN_01> for the officiallist. When you have adjusted the SAP script> form in Customizing to meet your company's requirements,enter the name of your form in the Form for official list> field. If you do not want to create an official list, delete the contents ofthe Form for official list> field. This is very important whenyou create a report variant for batch processing: If you specify anofficial list in this variant, a complete list is printed (inaccordance to the official form). NEW-PAGEOutput Internal list The system uses the ABAP List Viewer to display the internal list. Youcan format this list individually. To do this, the following genericfunctions are available:
- List sort according to various column criteria
- Display/hide columns
- Change in column width
- Formation of totals using value columns
- Formation of group totals according to different criteria
- Filters
- Detail view of a list line
- Mail connection
- Excel Download
- Word Download
List header The list header is formatted dynamically. You can specify the sortfields fort the header as follows: From the list, choose Sort ascend. order> or Sort descend.order>. The window Define sort> appears. From the Field list>, select the sort fields that are to beincluded in the header. Choose Display selected fields>. In the table Sor Fields>, enter *> for each sort field inGC> (Group Change) column. Choose OK>.Display variants Using the display variants, you can change the format of the headersand the line items. In addition, you can display totals in headerfields and in line item fields. Thus, you can display employee-relatedrounding differences in the list. You can only create subtotals using headers. For this reason, you canonly format the title using header fields. After editing the list, you can save the form that meets yourrequirements as a display variant. To do this, choose the followingfrom the edited list Settings> -> Display Variants > -> Save...> For more information on the ABAP List Viewer, see Help> ->SAP Library> -> CA - Cross-Application Components> -> ->General Application Functions> -> ABAP List Viewer>.Statistics At the end of the list, you find the following information:
- Number of persons selected
- Number of persons processed
- Number of persons rejected
Official list The official list is issued as a SAPscript> form. If required,you can adjust the standard form contained in the SAP system. To dothis see in Customizing for Payroll Austria > under Accounting for Administrations and Institutions> ->Social Insurance Evaluations for Regional Health Insurance Fund>-> Settings for Contribution Base Notification>, perform the stepSet Up SAPscript-Form for Contribution BaseNotification>.