Title Create Data Medium for Actuary Purpose With report RPCAVDT0, you create a file with notifications for theactuary for each benefits provider and balance sheet key date. The fileis stored as a TemSe object. You then copy the TemSe object to disk andsend off the data medium for actuarial processing within thecalculation of pension reserves. Prerequisites You have written data to the notification tables P01CVH (Header Data),P01CVD (Entitlement Data), and P01CVR (Pension Data) with reportRPCWVSD1 (Creation of Interface Data). Only data with the processing status> 'new' and'transferred' are taken into account when the data medium is created.Features Creation of TemSe objects TemSe objects are temporary, sequential files stored in the SAP System. All notifications for the same benefits provider and balance sheet keydate are stored in a TemSe object with the name HR_CVMT01_(sequentialnumber). To display the transferred data, use report RPUAVCD0 (DisplayActuarial Data Medium). Description of data structure An active structure from the Data Dictionary must be stored in tableT5DC3 for each benefits provider. This structure can be taken from theinterface description. No special fields, for example, the benefits provider, are generallyexpected in this structure. Instead, the transfer report reads allrelevant data records from tables P01CVD and P01CVR and writes them tothe TemSe file with this data structure. Table P01CVH is read for eachrecord. The assignment of fields is based on matching fields in thenotification tables and in the data structure for the benefitsprovider. Conversion of data fields You can convert data fields when they are being transferred from thenotification tables to the TemSe file. In particular, this enables youto be able to export packed fields from the system in a readable form.In customer exit EXIT_RPCAVTD0_700 for enhancement P01ABAV7, you canrun the conversions that are required for your interface. The standardfunction module RP_01C_VM_KONVERTIERUNG contains model conversions thatcan be used as templates. The standard system contains the model structure P01C_VMS_MUSTER thatcan be used as a template for the creation of a separate datastructure. Transfer of notifications to disk When the report has been execute, a log is displayed on the screen. Thecreated TemSe objects are listed for each benefits provider underOverview of Created TemSe Objects. If you choose Execute for aparticular TemSe object, you access report RPUAVBD0> (CopyActuarial Data Medium to Disk). With this report, you copy thenotifications stored in the selected TemSe object to a disk or diskdrive.Accompanying note to actuary For each benefits provider, the report also creates a letter. Theletter is displayed using a SAPscript® form. In the standard system,form HR_DE_AV_BGS> is used. The number of the TemSe object is used as the number of the datamedium. The accompanying letter can include summarized data for each benefitsprovider. The fields that can be printed are declared in the datastructure P01C_VM_SUM. This structure can also include additionalfields whose totals can also be printed if they are included in thenotification data. However, it is only advisable to include othernumber fields. The standard system includes a model which forms thetotals for individual pensions, surviving dependants' pensions, currententitlements, and vested entitlements. |