Title Data Selection Report for Statement Data for the Company Pension Schemein Germany Purpose Report RPCAVAD0 is used to select statement-relevant pension data to beprinted on a SAPScript form. The selected data is set up in a commondata area for a print report which is subsequently called. Prerequisites The report works on the basis on statement identifiers. This identifierflags the settings and features for a statement and is maintained inthe Implementation Guide (IMG) for the company pension scheme. If the source of the data to be printed is to be found in the statementcluster for the company pension scheme, a statementtype> must be assigned to the identifier.Notes The includes RPCAVZDD and RPCAVZD0 are available for the enhancement ofthe report with customer functions. These includes are modified by thecustomer. RPCAVZDD If you want to enhance the common data area for the print report, youcan declare customer statement tables here. If the tables are customertables that were previously stored in the statement cluster database bythe pension calculation program and whose structures are already in theData Dictionary, these tables can be filled by report RPCAVAD0 withoutthe need for additional programming. This requires, however, that youdeclare the internal tables with the header and with the same name incluster DB. In this case, the report converts the amount fieldsdeclared in the Data Dictionary (data type CURR) for your tables to theoutput currency transferred to the report as the selection parameter. RPCAVZD0 This include contains a form routine that is executed immediatelybefore the SAPScript form is processed. Within the form routine, youcan call customer statement functions to modify the data to be printed. |