Title Payroll List for Semiretirement Purpose This report creates the payroll lists for semiretirement. These arerequired for the reimbursement request for increase amounts that yousubmit to the employment office. The lists are in accordance with theofficial form (BA II AtG 21a - 12.99) published by the German FederalLabor Office. Prerequisites If a payroll list is to be created for an employee, you must have runpayroll for him/her in the period in question. The payroll results mustbe stored in the cluster. In HR Payroll, two wage types are created for semiretirement. One wagetype contains the statutory values and the other contains the valuesbased on collective agreements. In most cases, these values differ. Youcan only request reimbursement of those increase amounts from theemployment office that are statutory amounts. Therefore, this reportonly evaluates the statutory wage types. The payroll results mustcontain these values. In the SAP standard system, they are created bythe fictitious calculation schemaDAGF>. Thefollowing wage types are evaluated: ,,/61A>,,SR stt.increase 1 ,,/61B>,,SR stt.increase 2 ,,/61C>,,SR stt.ft gr PI l. ,,/61D>,,SR stt.FlRt nt amnt ,,/61E>,,SR stt.ft gr amt PI E. ,,/61F>,,SR stt.pt tm nt amt inr.2 ,,/61G>,,SR stt.pt tm gr amnt PI l. ,,/61H>,,SR stt.pt tm gr amnt PI E. ,,/61I>,,SR stt.pt tm gr amnt w/o ,,/3DB>,,SR stt.PI gr. amt ER ,,/3DC>,,SR stt.PI incr.sp ER ,,/3DD>,,SR stt.PI gr. amnt incr ER ,,/3DJ>,,SR stt.PI ER % incr. ,,/3DK>,,SR stt.PI ER % incr.sp ,,/3DN>,,SR stt.ER incr. sp ,,/3DL>,,SR stt.PI ER sh.incr. OP PY ,,/3DO>,,SR stt.incr. correction ,,/3DP>,,SR stt.PI gr.incr.OP PYFeatures The report creates a list for a period specified on the selectionscreen. If retroactive accounting runs yield differences in theevaluated periods, these are output in a correction list. Selection
- In the block Payroll Period>, the period is specified for which
the list is to be created (In-Period).
- In the block Selection>, the personnel numbers are selected for
which the list is to be created. Only the semiretired employees, forwhom the Reimbursement of increase> field in Semiretirementinfotype (0521) has been activated, are selected.
- In block Other Entries>, you can determine how and for which
periods the system displays the list. In the Last evaluation> field, you enter the period in which thelast list that you sent to the employment office was created. If duringthe time between the last reporting period and the payroll period, youhave run retroactive accounting back to a period before the lastevaluation or back to the last evaluation period itself, the systemcreates a list of corrections. This list of corrections is only created if the Only last currentresults> field is not activated. If you have selected this field, payroll results are only evaluated forthose periods in which payroll was run for the specified period and forthose is within the period between the specified last evaluation periodand the specified payroll period. No list of corrections is created. In the Other currency> field, you can specify the currency forthe list. If no specifications are made in this field, the lists aredisplayed in the currency used in the original payroll period(For-Period). Note that the lists before 1/1/2002 can only be submittedto the employment office in DM. In the Customer number format> field, you determine how the 6-digit number assigned by the employment office is formatted. Thisinformation is used for the formation of totals.
- In the block Print Settings> you determine how the list is to be
printed. The standard SAPScript for for the payroll lists for semiretirement iscalled 'HR_DE_ATZ_LISTE'. If you want to use your own form, you canenter the name in the SAPScript form> field. In the Output device> field, you determine the target printer. If you activate the Print preview> field, the system onlydisplays the list on the screen. You can then go through the menu tochoose "Print". If you choose Print>, a dialog box appears. Here you can set theprint parameters. Afterwards, you can print the list directly.Standard_variants Activities Example You want to send payroll lists to the employment office quarterly - inthe months 03, 06, 09, and 12. The lists in month 03 have already beencreated and sent. Payroll has been run for months 04, 05, and 06;however month 05 contains a retroactive accounting run back to months02, 03, and 04. Therefore, the payroll cluster contains the followingpayroll results (For-Period/In-Period): 02/02 03/03 04/04 02/05 03/05 04/05 05/05 06/06 Now you want to create a new list for 06. Enter the payroll period 06. Select the required personnel numbers. Inthe 'Last evaluation' field, enter the value 03. Deactivate the field'Only last current results'. Start the report. Result:> The payroll list is created for the periods 04 to 06. Based on period06, only the most current result is read - that is, for period 04 theresult 04/05, for period 05 the result 05/05 and for period 06, theresult 06/06. In addition, a list of corrections is created, because in 05 a therewas a retroactive accounting run back to the periods 02 and 03, andthese had already been settled with the employment office. Thecorrections for periods 02 and 03 appear as follows in the list ofcorrections: The values that have already been settled with the employment officefor period 02 are in result 02/02. The current result for period 02 isin the result 02/05. The difference between these results (02/05 -02/02) must be displayed in the list of corrections. The same is truefor all other periods concerned. Now you want to look at the results 03/05 and 03/03 in order to tracecorrctions: To do this, select the 'Only last current results' field. To print theresult 03/03, choose the payroll period (In-Period) 03 and, as the lastevaluation period, 03. To view the result 03/05, choose the payroll period 05 and 03 as thelast evaluation period. In this case, all periods with a payroll run in05 are displayed if the for-period is equal to or greater than theevaluation period: 03/05, 04/05, and 05/05. If you leave the field ofthe last evaluation period blank, all results that were settled in 05are included.Output The lists are in accordance with the official forms BA II AtG 21a -12.99 from the German Federal Office of Labor. For employees in the block time model, you can request reimbursement ofincreased benefits within the time limit for previous employmentperiods. The increase amounts must be doubled in the period with thereleased phase. &EXAMPLE&> On 1/5, an employee changes from the work phase to the released phase.This vacant work center is filled. For the month 05 you can alsorequest reimbursement of the increase amounts for month 04. For thisthe amounts from 05 are doubled. In the same way, in 06, the period 03is covered, with 07 the period 02, and so on. The additional periodsthat must be covered are specified in the list under 13.a). A page of totals is printed at the end of all the lists. The date herecan be submitted in the reimbursement request. In addition, all thelists can be submitted as attachments or enclosures.Hints Different data relevant to the payroll list, such as name and personnelnumber of the reemployed and the 6-digit customer number are stored inthe payroll results in table ATZ. This data is stored in theSemiretirement infotype (0521). If you cannot use this infotype, youalso store the same data as text on Social Insurance D infotype (0013).If there is no data in table ATZ, the report reads the appropriate datafrom the text of infotype 0013. The text must have the correctstructure so that the system recognizes the relevant data: ATZBEG ATZRE= ATZWB= ATZWN= ATZAN= ATZPH= ATZEND The data structure must begin with ATZBEG and end with ATZEND. Theindividual fields come after ATZBEG. Not all fields must be specifiedand the sequence of the fields is not important. The fields thave thefollowing meanings: ATZRE: Reimbursement indicator X = Reimbursement list blank = No reimbursement list ATZWB: Personnel number of the reemployed ATZWN: Name of the reemployed. You only have to specify this field if personnel number is not specified. ATZAN: 6-digit customer number assigned by the employment office. ATZPH: Phase of semiretirement. This is especially relevant in the block model. It is used to determine the start of the double increase amounts. Doubling begins with the start of the release date. Here you enter FR to indicate the start of the released phase. For the work phase, you can enter any value. For example, an employee transfers from the work phase to the released phase on 01/05. Delimit infotype 0013 from 01.05, and enter ATZPH=FR in the text field. Be sure not to leave a space in the lines and at the beginning of aline. Example: ATZBEG ATZRE=X ATZWB=00058948 ATZAN=456123 ATZPH=FR ATZEND Tip The report evaluates the statutory wage types mentioned above. If youuse other statutory values or other wage types or you want to evaluateother wage types with this report, proceed as follows: Copy the report to a new report - for example, ZPCATLD0. Edit the source text: The wage types are determined in the report byconstants: ****************************************************************** * Wage types ****************************************************************** constants: lg_teilbrutto_aufst1 like pc207-lgart value '/61I', lg_teilbrutto_laufend like pc207-lgart value '/61G', lg_teilbrutto_einmal like pc207-lgart value '/61H', lg_teilnetto like pc207-lgart value '/61F', lg_aufstockung1 like pc207-lgart value '/61A', lg_vollbrutto_laufend like pc207-lgart value '/61C', lg_vollbrutto_einmal like pc207-lgart value '/61E', lg_mindestnetto like pc207-lgart value '/61D', lg_aufstockung2 like pc207-lgart value '/61B', lg_rv_aufstockung_laufend like pc207-lgart value '/3DB', lg_rv_differenz_einmal like pc207-lgart value '/3DC', lg_rv_aufstockung_einmal like pc207-lgart value '/3DD', lg_rv_beitrag_laufend like pc207-lgart value '/3DJ', lg_rv_beitrag_einmal like pc207-lgart value '/3DK'. lg_rv_zuschuss like pc207-lgart value '/3DN', lg_rv_beitrag_einm_vj like pc207-lgart value '/3DL', lg_rv_aufst_korrektur like pc207-lgart value '/3DO', lg_rv_aufst_einm_vj like pc207-lgart value '/3DP'. Here you can enter the other wage types that are then evaluated in thelist for the corresponding values.