1628690 | RPCALCE0 cancelación "(00.00.0000) is not a valid date" |
1605231 | Limit of EUR 120.000,00 for irregular incomes(18.2) II |
1548442 | SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-2 |
1356528 | ES28.11: Incorrect reduction PTPAR for RED 2009/07 - Item 2 |
1562704 | RPCALCE0 is not considering some handicap indicators |
1540596 | Garnishment-Cash Payment is wrongly recording /GMB into BT |
1546144 | CALC: Error with ERE bonification leading to DUMP |
1533214 | CALC: Error in indirect evaluation for artists |
1532471 | CALC: Wrong prorate calculation in inactive periods |
1534767 | CALC: Error reading constant CC3BC |
1535627 | CALC: Incorrect minimum contribution basis for part time |
1525703 | CALC: Wrong unemployment contribution for training contract |
1516532 | CALC: Error in contributions for training contracts with VND |
1483712 | Problems in prorate calculation of non-recurring payments |
1490435 | Wrong employee data is being considered reading IRPF tax |
1477998 | Double days of ERE are being added in the wage-type /3BA |
1470996 | Wage-type /3P9 is greater than monthly maximum for artists. |
1441012 | Payroll function ECCHK duplicating wage type /556 |
1463270 | IRPF is not considering applied percentage for expatriates |
1452710 | RPCALCE0: Indirect Evaluation error with seniority |
1454556 | Garnishment: Split deductions exceed the deductable limit |
1446629 | Dump while running off-cycle payroll with garnishment |
1428205 | EPRO1 is not taken into account the additional payments |
1157239 | ES27.10: Average contribution basis for paternity leave |
1421939 | Fixed Bonifications higher than Company Contribution |
1254571 | CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas Version 2 |
1390202 | ERE next month treatment not working properly |
1357852 | Bonifications and VND collision not working properly |
1356594 | Problems generating partial maternity in the EDSS0 |
1349541 | ES28.11:ERE days in case of overlapping with another absent. |
1273156 | ES28.4: Bonification amount bigger than Company contribution |
1005709 | ES26.5: Short dump in the program RPCALCE0. |
1168510 | ES28: Difference between RPCTC0E0 and RPCALCE0 in /3CS. |
1148554 | ES27.10: Number of hours for partial time employees with ERE |
1156250 | ES27.9:Unemployment Contributions for contract 540 changed |
1132334 | ES27.6: Taxes calculation rounding error |
1128438 | ES27.6: Copying RPCALCE0 leads to dump II |
925862 | NC037: Nivel de Corrección 037 - Contenido (No CRT) |
787258 | HR SP ES25: Cambio 09 |
182921 | CONSULT.: Afiliación |
650248 | HR SP ES24 - Cambio 03 |
638217 | CONSULT: Nueva funcionalidad del report RPIGA0E0 |
564524 | HR SP ES23 - Contenido - Content Description |
591460 | HR SP ES23: Cambio 32 |
574690 | Determination of the payment date in old results |
598835 | CONSULT.: Rechazos en función de nómina EST00 |
497461 | NC013: Nivel de Corrección 013 - Contenido |
351380 | CONSULT: Fecha de inicio para S.S.- Corr. manual |
73562 | CONSULT.: Base reguladora y cambio de topes |
80851 | CONSULT.: Cotiz. mensual para empleados diarios |
104652 | CONSULT.: Syntax error in RPCALCE0 after upgrade |